Category Topics

Giveth Proposals

This category is for proposals looking for support, feedback and/or funding from Giveth. Anyone in the community can create a proposal, however there are some considerations to make:


Using the language of Elinor Ostrom, community is one of the “common-pool resources” at the heart of the Giveth. This cultural fabric is the foundation for all of the value that flows through this community. Without it, we would be nothing. Stewarding the community is thus the number one responsibility of the Communitas Working Group. Community has always been the foundation of Giveth, the sum of all parts.


The Dapp is the flagship product of Giveth, it is the main entry point for most of our users and the best donation platform, ever . Its maintenance and growth is critical to the success of Giveth as an organization.

Quadratic Funding

The Giveth Quadratic Funding Working group is working on building QF into Giveth, including developing the UI/UX, user testing, fundraising, marketing, launch & more!


The GIVeconomy working group is here, at your service, doing the things Giveth wants us to do related to GIV. It is led by me, @karmaticacid, and I just run around and try to make sure whatever we promise - whether to our donors and referrers via rewards, our liquidity providers, or people who give us grants to make GIV do something for them - is fulfilled. A lot of this - like GIVbacks distribution - runs like a well-oiled machine thanks to rockstars like @WhyldWanderer @mitch and @NikolaCreatrix, but some things like adding Optimism chain require some debate, coordination & discussion.


Everyone desires to feel valued; it is one of our fundamental human needs. When we use praise and gratitude to acknowledge and appreciate the effort and positive impact of others, we increase feelings of social worth and awareness of value to the organization, which leads to increased prosocial behavior. As a result, individuals are more likely to engage in and contribute to communal activities, resulting in stronger and more vibrant communities.


The DAO Ops Working Group is the glue that holds the DAO together. It has under its steadfast eye many critical areas of our overall operation and is charged with keeping them in check. DAO Ops implements processes for contributors and leaders alike to work with each other in a healthy way.


Events and product launches require community coordination… Working groups can coordinate, collaborate and generate ideas around online and in person events such as retreats, fundraising workshops, or product launches. Please refer to the pinned Templates.

The Giveth Community

COMMUNITY… has always been the foundation of Giveth, the sum of all parts.
COMMUNICATION… is the glue that holds these parts together.
COMMONS… is the publicly accessible resources that are shared, cultivated and managed together.

The Giveth Platform

DESIGN… the best user experience in a beautifully simplistic interface.
DEVELOP… innovative, feature-rich, safe and productive tools for transparency.
DELIVER… seamlessly connected products ( that work well together.


GIVE… to the causes, projects and actions you care about.
GET… the tokens that give back to those who are GIVing forward for positive change.
GOVERN… project curation, product development and a new economy based on altruism.


Need help with anything Giveth? Ask here.

Forum Feedback

Discussion about this forum, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.

Working Group Proposals

More info for this category coming soon. Let’s gather Working Group Proposals here!