Bounties Budget Baby

Thank you so much for getting this bounty structure out! Of course I have many thoughts and I will elaborate more on some crucial points we’ll need to hash out.

Bounty Consensus

First of all, to begin we need a way for DAO members to approve spending funds on a particular bounty. How can we be transparent and get signalling on a bounty before we send it to DeWork and importantly before anyone starts to work on it?

I would suggest to start simply creating a forum category, viewable for contributors only, to post bounties for review before they move to DeWork. I would suggest the forum since it’s actively viewed and currently where most of our Advice Process takes place. I would suggest making it @contributor only since only the people in the know should be able to comment and signal approval.

We could call this category simply the “Bounty Approval Board”

Bounty Treasury Management

I didn’t answer the poll above because I wanted to propose a third option…

We have a Finance App on the nrGIV that is currently used for nothing… this would allow us to manage, track and propose payments with GIV or any other ERC-20 token.

It currently has all the permissions setup for nrGIV holders to vote on them through the 5 day voting App…

And the actual Vault holding funds can be found here:

This I think would be the best route to manage bounties rather than creating a new multisig to manage bounties and allows us to move more smoothly into WG specific budgets.

Bounty Budgeting

From the approved vesting distribution method we decided to withhold an amount of GIV allocated to vesting to avoid overspending.

Just from this last distribution (Q1 2022) we withheld almost 3.5 Million GIV in the nrGIV, this is around $210k at current GIV prices. $10k worth of GIV is definitely feasible for a beginning bounty budget!

LFG! :fire: