REJECTED: Consolidated Proposal for Original 4 Circle Structure

This is the consolidation of the original 4 circle proposals set forth by the communications team.

Community Circle

Mission Statement
Our mission is to be the living and breathing heart of Giveth, an ecosystem of collective support, abundance, and communication, where we cultivate relationships and assist active community members by facilitating connection and engagement.

  • Goal #1: Build Community around For-Good Projects by creating a safe space for community members to communicate their passion projects, then recruit help or guidance from peers.
  • Goal #2: Nourish Relations between Givers, Makers and the Greater Community through meaningful engagement, outreach and trust facilitation that allows for strong bonds to be constructed.
  • Goal #3: Grow the Blockchain4good Initiative by providing resources, education and support for community members focusing on blockchain4good & improving the Ethereum commons.
  • Goal #4: Create a Network of Partners by way of collaboration, relationship building and support of common goals with various strategic partner organizations such as: Commons Stack, TEC, DAppNode, BrightID, 1Hive, Panvala and MetaGame.

Governance Circle - Token holders

Mission Statement
We are progressively decentralizing the Giveth decision-making process by building a community and a token-based economy around our platform that recognizes contributions, values participation, and rewards altruism.

  • Goal #1: Demonstrate Fiscal Accountability
    Meet the resource needs of the Giveth community, platform, and economy for delivering on all Circle Goals by responsibly provisioning funds and skills toward team structure, conflict resolution, administration, financial transparency, organization of team gatherings and quality assurance.
  • Goal #2: Innovate Internal Governance
    Experiment with and document decentralized governance systems within the Giveth DAO structure (e.g. Sociocracy, RewardDAO, Conviction Voting, SourceCred etc.) that could prove useful for future Decentralized Altruistic Organizations to learn from and implement their own versions.
  • Goal #3: Create Regenerative Value
    Nurture and grow the Giveth Token Economy (GIVeconomy) by empowering individuals toward inclusive decentralized decision making with outcomes that have real impact on the organization and positive change in the world when cascaded through our listed projects.

DApp Development Circle

Mission Statement
Our mission is to transparently build and develop powerful tools and applications on the blockchain that create intuitive bridges between Givers & for-good projects, rewarding all parties and giving rise to an Economy of Giving.

  • Goal #1: Develop Open Source Donation Applications that serve as efficient, free bridges between Givers and Makers, using the revolutionary funding opportunities of the cryptospace.
  • Goal #2: Reward Public Goods Value-Creation, creating an “economy of giving” by rewarding donations to legitimate social and environmental impact projects.
  • Goal #3: Build DApps by and for the Community, offering governance rights to Givers on the platform, and maintaining a high level of transparency to support a network of similar projects.
  • Goal #4: Improve Accessibility of Blockchain Technology by engineering and continually adapting intuitive interfaces and powerful user experiences to make donating easy, rewarding and effective.

Communications Circle

Mission Statement
Our mission is to inspire, support and connect Givers and Makers with the Giveth Community through transparent, intentionally crafted and clearly communicated stories and resources.

  • Goal #1: Align Internal and External Communications:
    Ensure Giveth as an organization is aligned on our overarching Values, Vision, Mission and Goals and that all Giveth Circles are operating from that space. Coordinate with Branding, Design and Development to communicate cohesive messages and tell authentic stories.
  • Goal #2: Share Circle & Development Updates:
    Broadcast the activity and development progress of our Giveth Circles externally through the Giveth channels with the purpose of providing transparency and cultivating trust while growing our Community and strengthening partnerships.
  • Goal #3: Create Clear, Well-Defined Content:
    As Giveth develops our Dapps, economy, DAO and ongoing new features, the communications circle writes clear, transparent and helpful articles, social media posts and resources that support the needs of Contributors, Communities, Campaigns, Projects and Donors in interacting with our offerings.

Proposal was Rejected in favor of the Power of 3 Circles Proposal: