Updating nrGIV Eligiblity Requirements

I think if we look at the posts that Freshelle puts up every month like this one:

Most of the people who only work part time are really cool and we would be lucky to have them engage with Governance and IMO they also deserve some GIV from vesting (which comes with nrGIV.

I would prefer to have these rules actually be guidelines, and people who don’t meet the guidelines should still be encouraged to try, and people can vote no, especially since the applicant can’t meet the guideling, but honestly, if Stee, Brichis, Sym, Kurt, Brodhisattva, Stee, or Algene (none of whom work enough hours regularly to warrant a role proposal) were contributing for more than 3 months andwanted nrGIV, I would vote to give to them…