Dapp Season 4 Proposal

We’re excited to propose another season of DAPP! Building the Future of Giving by providing the best experience for donors and projects using our website and funding public goods worldwide.

Season 3 Review :face_with_monocle:

Season 3 the Dapp was given a mandate of Sustain and we did pretty well! Here we’ll give an update on our deliverables and metrics achieved.

Deliverables Status

Deliverable Status Note
Endaoment Integration IN PROGRESS :construction: Developers are assigned to begin the work, product specifications are ready.

Waiting for token list and project list from Endaoment to begin the developer work
Project Attestation System - Decentralizing Verification DONE! :white_check_mark: We have completed the DeVouch product and it is launched! Check it out: https://devouch.xyz/
Specification & development of paid partnerships/grants eligible integrations or features DONE! :white_check_mark: We completed the following Fundraising related product developments during S3:
  • Base Integration (Base RF)
  • Recurring Donations (Superfluid)
  • DeVouch (Optimism Mission)
GIVnews monthly newsletters DONE! :white_check_mark: GIVnews monthly newsletters went out on time and full of great updates to our subscribers. Check out all newsletter published: https://news.giveth.io/
Implement new Email strategies for user journeys in Ortto DONE! :white_check_mark: We implemented a new user journey on Giveth, consisting of five emails, which has yielded good results. We also sent three emails targeting donors who donated more than six months ago to re-engage them, but the campaign was not successful. We need to try different engagement strategies.

dApp Marketing Season 3 KPIs - Google Docs
Meet the Makers project interviews, published to social media channels DONE! :white_check_mark: We published 3 project interview videos across socials.

In general we found the videos when published didn’t drive donations to projects and most watchers only tuned in to the first 10% of the interview before dropping off.

Given this we’ve decided to halt the Meet the Makers videos for now
Hire a Community Builder Lead IN PROGRESS :construction: We are still continually receiving applications, interviewing applicants and assessing candidates.
Review & Improvement of SEO IN PROGRESS! :construction: We Implemented a few SEO changes to the Giveth homepage, we saw some promising initial results.

We will continue to track results and begin drafting changes to other pages of Giveth.
Communications of Giveth updates & community events via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & Instagram DONE! :white_check_mark: The comms team successfully delivered content across many different social media platforms.

Find all of our social media platform where we are active through our Link Tree

The Twitter report shows strong growth in engagement metrics, particularly in media views and interactions, with some areas needing improvement. More here: dApp Marketing Season 3 KPIs - Google Docs
Host Townhalls monthly DONE! :white_check_mark: We hosted 3 Monthly townhalls on schedule, attendance and format was well received and we will continue doing these.
3 more Twitter/X space GIVtalks with guests speakers DONE! :white_check_mark: We hosted 3 GIVtalks over the course of S3 with:
  • ReFi DAO
  • MetaGame
  • $REGEN token
The GIVtalks were well attended (114 the best one) and you can find the recordings on Spotify
Giveth Impact Report publications DONE! :white_check_mark: We have published two Impact Report publications.

Recognizing that the Impact Reports focuses on highlighting GIVbacks we have negotiated that this effort to be managed now by the GIVeconomy WG.
Monitor services, servers & security of the Dapp and resolve incidents SUCCESS! :white_check_mark: We dealt with a number of performance issues over S3. We have shifted more resources over to resolving technical debts and improving app performance as a result.

We hope to spend more time in S4 improving query performance and factoring out the many cron jobs we rely on currently.
Moderation & non-user support in Discord SUCCESS! :white_check_mark: We provided support and closed 92 amount of support tickets over the course of season 3.
Project verification & listing SUCCESS! :white_check_mark: As part of our core metric we verified 69 projects this season.

We also responded to listing requests from new projects and project owner requests as well as unlisting projects as needed.

Core Metrics :star2:

Here we compare our target metrics we set out at the beginning of the season compared to our final actual stats. We also provide our actual metrics from previous season so we can understand how the Dapp has been growing over time.

Metric S3 Target S3 Actual S2 Actual S1 Actual
Donation Volume $100,000 $457,908.62 $281,509.69 $70,796
New Verified Projects 30 69 55 78

Comms and Marketing Summary 📣

This Period’s Communications and Marketing Focus:

  1. Emailing


    • Ortto was set up, and a high number of emails were sent.


    • Created new journeys for donors, resulting in great responses.
    • Sent a significant volume of emails.


    • Increased donations from 26 in the last period to 96 this period**,** showing substantial growth.
  2. Re-engagement Efforts


    • Sent 3 emails targeting donors who donated more than 6 months ago, recommending projects and sharing Giveth news.


    • No conversions or donations were measured from this effort.
  3. Blog Posts / Medium


    • Reactivated the Medium account with seven new publications, averaging a 50% completion rate.


    • Increased traffic from various sources to the Giveth Blog.
  4. SEO


    • Added some SEO keywords to the homepage.


    • No noticeable results from this effort.
  5. Content - Social Media


    • Pushed content on Twitter and Farcaster, noticing good growth on Twitter.


    • Positive Trends: Significant increases in link clicks, media views, likes, reposts, and video views, indicating higher engagement and interest.
    • Areas of Concern: Decrease in new followers and slight decrease in replies, suggesting areas needing strategic focus.

Spending :money_with_wings:

We completed three major projects in Season 3: Recurring Donations, Base Integration and DeVouch.

  • Recurring Donations :arrows_counterclockwise: fulfilled a $20,000 grant agreement with Superfluid, plus we got to build a long-requested feature, at a discount! It cost around $37,000 to build, including product, design and communications.
  • DeVouch :heavy_check_mark: will fulfill an Optimism Mission Grant worth 18,000 OP and may yield future rewards from Optimism Retro Funding depending on its reception and success. DeVouch opens the path towards the decentralization of our verification system. It cost around $21,000, including product, design and communications.
  • Base Integration :large_blue_circle:, we hope to become eligible for Base Retro Funding. We spent approximately $5,000 on this project, including development and product costs.

Here’s a table breakdown of our costs, we compare our estimated costs from the beginning of the season vs. the actual costs based on Clockify time entries. Since the season is yet to end we did our best extrapolating the assumed costs yet to be realized based off of the projected amount of work left and the previous 2 months of spending data.

Type Estimated S3 Cost Actual S3 Cost Notes
Comms Marketing & Community $40,400 $34,800 The costs associated with having a new Community Growth contributor were factored in the estimate, but in the end we never filled this role during the season.
Development & DevOps $106,920 $88,000 Many time entries in Clockify have been missallocated to Dapp, after doing a thorough review of time entries the dapp development costs are lower than previously expected.
Product $15,780 $20,000 Product costs increased from the increased scope of DeVouch as well as the management of emergency issues that affected dapp performance.
Design $9000 $8,700
Services $7,735 *$7,500 *Best estimate. We did make efforts to reduce infra costs. However access to billing statements was not given in time to review before the WGP submission deadline. The actual number could be lower.
Total $179,835 $165,000

BONUS DELIVERABLES :incoming_envelope:

We also have two in progress features we plan to deliver before the end of the current season:

Improved Dapp Analytics :bar_chart:: Provide more data on https://stats.giveth.io/ to track numbers related to recurring donations, chain specific donations and donations to Giveth through the “optional donation box”

Polygon zkEVM Integration :purple_circle:: Giveth’s first zk-chain integration and our first steps toward fully integrating Giveth on Polygon zkEVM with GIVeconomy, GIV token and eventually GURVES!

Season 4 Deliverables & Budget :world_map:

A few ambitious features we would like to integrate for Season 4, here is a brief summary of each:

  • Endaoment Integration - Take action on our long overdue partnership with Endaoment (https://endaoment.org/) and replace our The Giving Block projects integration with Endaoment non-profits, providing about 8,000 worldwide non-profits for users to donate to & recieve GIVbacks on their donations!
  • Giveth APIs: Donation API - The long overdue construction of Giveth APIs, this will allow other platforms to integrate Giveth actions in certain ways. The first API for making donations to projects will pave the way for donation widgets, donate through socials (twitter, farcaster…???) and potentially many more possibilities. Additional APIs maybe be built later allowing more complex actions such as staking GIV, boosting with GIVpower to name a few examples. If successful, in Season 5 we would like to bring an incentives program for builders to build external applications using APIs made available to them.
  • DeVouch & Giveth Verification - Allow the automation of verifying projects through the issuance of attestations. Use the DeVouch attestation indexer to allow decentralized Giveth Verification team to vouch or flag projects on the Giveth platform.
  • Smart Wallet & Social Login - Bring Account Abstraction into the Giveth login experience. Integrate a ready made solution such as Safe Accounts, AppKit, web3Auth - to allow less crypto savvy users to have an easier experience creating profiles on Giveth, launching projects and making donations.

Here’s our proposed scopes for Season 4:

GROW :arrow_up:

What we will do :white_check_mark:


Feature Development

Comms, Marketing & Community Building

  • Communications of Giveth updates & community events via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & Instagram
  • Continue with GIVnews monthly newsletters, experiment with ways to increase the CTR
  • Hire a Community Builder Lead
  • Design Marketing templates for projects.
  • 3 new email campaigns
  • 5 new Medium Posts
  • Farcaster engagement experimentation.
  • 3 more Twitter/X space GIVtalks with guests speakers focused on partnerships and promoting integrations with big/trendy organizations
  • Host Townhalls monthly
  • Recurring Donation Rally Contest
  • Video tutorials for new product features


  • Monitor services, servers & security of the Dapp and resolve incidents
  • Fix bugs and improve Giveth’s performance
  • Moderation & non-user support in Discord
  • Project verification & listing

Core Metrics :star2:

Metric S4 Target
Total Donations Value $450,000
Total Donations Value to Verified Projects $180,000
New Verified Projects 70
Total Recurring Donations Value $15,000

Budget :moneybag:

Item Estimated Cost
Endaoment Integration $9,000
Smart Wallet / Social Login $10,000
Giveth Donation API $18,000
Integrate DeVouch into Giveth $18,000
Comms, Marketing & Community $44,000
Performance & Maintenance $35,000
Ops $32,000
Software, Servers & Subscriptions $7,000
Total $173,000

SUSTAIN :arrow_right:


What we will do :white_check_mark:

Feature Development

Comms, Marketing & Community Building

  • Communications of Giveth updates & community events via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & Instagram
  • Continue with GIVnews monthly newsletters, experiment with ways to increase the CTR
  • Hire a Community Builder Lead
  • 1 new email campaigns
  • 3 new Medium Posts
  • Recurring Donation Rally Contest
  • Farcaster engagement experimentation.
  • 3 more Twitter/X space GIVtalks with guests speakers focused on partnerships and promoting integrations with big/trendy organizations
  • Host Townhalls monthly


  • Monitor services, servers & security of the Dapp and resolve incidents
  • Moderation & non-user support in Discord
  • Project verification & listing

What we won’t do :x:

  • Design Marketing templates for projects.
  • Video tutorials for new product features
  • Research and Integrate Smart Wallet / Social Login Solution
  • Start Giveth APIs: Donation API

Core Metrics :star2:

Metric S4 Target
Total Donations Value $350,000
Total Donations Value to Verified Projects $140,000
New Verified Projects 60
Total Recurring Donations Value $12,000

Budget :moneybag:

Item Estimated Cost
Endaoment Integration $9,000
Integrate DeVouch into Giveth $18,000
Comms, Marketing & Community $38,000
Performance & Maintenance $35,000
Ops $32,000
Software, Servers & Subscriptions $7,000
Total $139,000

SHRINK :arrow_down:


What we will do :white_check_mark:

Feature Development

  • Specification & development of paid partnerships/grants eligible integrations or features, which may include:
    • Taiko Donation Integration
    • Kyoto Donation Integration

Comms, Marketing & Community Building

  • Communications of Giveth updates & community events via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & Instagram
  • Continue with GIVnews monthly newsletters, experiment with ways to increase the CTR
  • Hire a Community Builder Lead
  • 1 new Medium Posts
  • 3 more Twitter/X space GIVtalks with guests speakers focused on partnerships and promoting integrations with big/trendy organizations
  • Host Townhalls monthly
  • Recurring Donation Rally Contest


  • Monitor services, servers & security of the Dapp and resolve incidents
  • Moderation & non-user support in Discord
  • Project verification & listing

What we won’t do :x:

Core Metrics :star2:

Metric S4 Target
Total Donations Value $200,000
Total Donations Value to Verified Projects $80,000
New Verified Projects 40
Total Recurring Donations Value $8,000

Budget :moneybag:

Item Estimated Cost
Comms, Marketing & Community $30,000
Performance & Maintenance $35,000
Ops $32,000
Software, Servers & Subscriptions $7,000
Total $104,000

Next Steps

This forum post will remain up and open for advice until all other Working Groups Proposals entering this Season have met minimum advice process. After that we will move to a Snapshot vote to decide the priorities of the Giveth DAO for the next 3 months.

When we have the outcome of the Snapshot vote we will meet as DAO Stewards to finalize the scopes of all WGs based on the available Season budget.


I just want to emphasize the importance of API, There’s a market out there where people do P2P donations in crypto, we can have that donation as Giveth stats by giving them API, so the donors can be benefited from GIVbacks and we eventually grab that market as GIV holders!

It’s costly we bring traffic to our website, so we can be visible in places that have the traffic. How? widget widgets, SDKs, and letting the world integrate with us.