Dapp Season 5 Proposal

The Dapp is here for another Season of building the best donation platform EVER! This proposal will include a retrospective of the previous season as well as some ambitious projects we’d like to tackle for the current one, ongoing until January 1st, 2025 :exploding_head:

There’s a lot to unpack here, please take your time in reading this article and provide your commentary and questions below.

Season 4 Review

We’ll cover in this section an update on each of our deliverables as well as our final spending breakdown for the previous season.

Deliverables Retrospective

Deliverable Status Note
Endaoment Integration DONE ✅ Completed in late August, brought on ~3600 registered non-profits to the Giveth platform as GIVbacks Eligible projects.
Grant Integrations DONE ✅ Launched Stellar Integration mid-September allowing donors and projects to make use of XLM and the Stellar network.
DeVouch Integration LATE ⚠️ Decentralized Verification LITE launched the first week of October introducing Vouched projects using DeVouch and Giveth Verifiers.
Communications of Giveth updates & community events via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn & Instagram SUCCESS ✅ Updates were posted regularly across all channels and also started to include Warpcast scheduled posting as well.
Continue with GIVnews monthly newsletters, experiment with ways to increase the CTR IN PROGRESS 🚧 Experiment with new CTAs to improve, begin to use A/B testing for better open rate, delivery migration to Ortto is still in progress.
Hire a Community Builder Lead DONE ✅ Hired Forest, Community Growth Specialist.
1 new email campaigns FAILED ❌ Did not execute any new email campaigns. Email campaigns hasn’t been an effective strategy. Will be looking at other avenues.
3 new Medium Posts DONE ✅ We did 9 new Medium Posts. Check them out on the Giveth Blog.
Recurring Donation Rally Contest DONE ✅ Wrapped up this contest in late August with $250 in eligible donations. Will be experimenting with other ways to promote this feature.
Farcaster engagement experimentation ONGOING 🔄 Been focusing on external channels, conversation starters and NFT collection with 37 unique minters for a total of 49 mints. Need to improve content scheduling.
3 more Twitter/X space GIVtalks with guest speakers focused on partnerships and promoting integrations with big/trendy organizations LATE ⚠️ GIVtalks with Willy with Nounspace and Giveth origins and Lana from Glo Dollar. The third GIVtalk happened with Anke from Stellar Development Foundation on Oct. 4.

All GIVtalks are on Spotify! (Rate us 5 stars on mobile)
Host Townhalls monthly DONE ✅ Hosted 3 Townhalls.
Monitor services, servers & security of the Dapp and resolve incidents DONE ✅ We continually make improvements where we see them. We secured the entire infrastructure a lot by designing the system with security in mind. Previously developers opened servers that needed shared access which was often not ideal. Now everything has a centralized entry point that is gated with various measures.
Moderation & user support in Discord & Telegram SUCCESS ✅ Active monitoring of Discord & Telegram channels, removing spammers and malicious bots. No platform breaches happened this season due to excellent moderation.
GIVbacks application review & listing projects SUCCESS ✅ Reviewed and approved 74 new GIVbacks Eligible projects.

Added 3619 new GIVbacks Eligible projects from Endaoment!

Listed 238 new projects.

Core Metrics Review :star:

Metric Target Actual
Total Donations Value $350,000 $109,615.54
Total Donations Value to Verified Projects $140,000 $102,545.50
New Verified Projects 60 74
Total Recurring Donations Value $12,000 $581.92

Spending :money_with_wings:

Item Estimated Cost Actual Cost Covered by Grant?
Endaoment Integration $9,000 $4,885.77
DeVouch & Decentralized Verification $18,000 $17,686.41 :white_check_mark:
Comms, Marketing & Community $38,000 $32,573.56
Performance & Maintenance $35,000 $57,637.22
Ops $32,000 $21,087.42
Software, Servers & Subscriptions $7,000 $7,000.00
Stellar *$10,378.25 :white_check_mark:
Total $139,000 $151,248.63 **$123,183.97

**Net amount excluding project costs covered by grants

Bonus Deliverables

  • *Stellar Integration: Completed the Integration of Stellar, allowing donors and projects to interact in XLM on the stellar network as per a grant Fundraising WG accomplished from the Stellar Community Fund!
  • Added support for Trust & Coinbase Wallets: Donors and Project owners can now use Giveth with two of the most popular web and mobile wallets.
  • Improved Analytics Dashboard: Made significant improvements to our stats gathering, including network specific filtering, recurring donations, optional donations to Giveth and much more!

Comms Insights

Some social media highlights

New users sources (Giveth.io)

  • Direct 11,000
  • Organic search 3,900
  • Organic social 3,100

Season 5 Overview :star:

In this section we’ll cover our plans for the upcoming Season with a duration of ~3 months until January 1st, 2025! We’ll cover initiatives we’re proposing to execute and breakdowns of specific deliverables, budget and targets to reach by the end of Season 5!

Donation Handler Smart Contract :heart_hands:

This smart contract would sit in-between donors and project wallets. All donations on Giveth would pass through this donation handler and allow us to pass in any custom logic on top of donation made on Giveth in an on-chain and transparent way. A Donation Handler Contract would open the path up for the following:

  • Bundle optional donations to Giveth along with principal donations in a single tx
  • Cart of Projects
  • Donation API
  • On-chain metrics from donation volume for fundraising opportunities
  • Simplified way to verify donation transactions in our DB (no more missed donations)

This feature only includes the development of the smart contract and plugging it into our current donation flow for Ethereum transactions, without any costs included for a professional security audit. Success Criteria Includes:

  • Reduce total Dev, Support and PM time spent on reporting and investigating missing donations and inserting donations manually to less than 1 hour total for Season 6. (Season 4 was around ~20 hours)
  • Donations to projects can be made outside of Giveth UI, through smart contract, and are registered in our database.

Bitcoin Donations :heavy_dollar_sign:

Following the integration of Stellar, we have most of the user experience setup to handle adding Bitcoin as an elegible network/token to make donations in. This feature would integrate Bitcoin allowing donors to make donations in, and projects to receive Bitcoin! Bitcoin holds about 56% of the total crypto market cap, opening Giveth up to new audiences and donors. Success criteria includes:

  • Achieve $10,000 in donations on Bitcoin by end of Season 6.
  • 5% of Bitcoin donation volume are donations to the Giveth project.

Recurring Donations UX Modifications :arrows_counterclockwise:

Recurring Donations have not been performing well since launch, This initiative would explore improving the UX, incentivizing more users to try out and ultimately fall in love with this feature we spent ~7 months building. Success criteria includes:

  • Achieve $10,000 of donations made with recurring donations feature by end of Season 6
  • Recurring Donations comprise 10% of total donation volume through Giveth

$nice token utility investigation :face_with_monocle:

The $nice token program has been running for ~2 years, we can count around $20k worth of $nice eligible donations have been made (donations to Giveth’s project on Giveth in top stable coins). In the last year only 4 purchases have been made on the swag store, the only utility of $nice (1 of them was me to test it still worked). This initiative is to explore whether to add more utility to $nice, with no to minimal dev work, or to kill the feature. Success criteria could include:

  • Increase donations to Giveth in stable coins to $40,000 by end of Season 6.

Migrate Giveth docs to Notion :memo:

The current documentation portal is increasingly hard to maintain and organize. Editing, updating and translating the docs requires someone with developer skills and customizing its appearance and organization is complex and time-consuming. This initiative proposes to migrate the docs to Notion pages and beautifying it with a wrapper like https://super.so/. This will allow anyone to easily update and organize the docs with ease and flexibility, allowing Giveth to have updated and well-organized documentation. Success criteria could include:

  • User satisfaction above 80% on documentation portal through in-app survey, based on readability, ease of navigation and relevancy.

Proposed Scopes

There are 3 possible scopes that DAO Ops can take in the coming Season, each with different deliverables, metrics and budget. The Season Snapshot vote will dictate the scope of this working group, depending on it’s signaled priority amongst other working groups, as decided by the Giveth DAO.

GROW :arrow_upper_right:

What we will do :white_check_mark:

Feature Development

  • Donation Handler Smart Contract
  • Bitcoin Donations
  • Integrate new networks/features based on grants we win
  • $nice token utility investigation
  • Recurring Donation UX modifications

Community, Marketing & Communications

  • Migrate Giveth Docs to Notion pages
  • Ambassador Program S3
  • 3 Game Nights
  • Monthly Townhalls
  • 100 Giveth NFT mints on Zora
  • 3 GIVtalks with Partners and aligned communities
  • Monthly GIVnews newsletters published
  • At least 4 Impact Reports published
  • Giveth Verifier onboarding process is operational
  • Run 1 Google Ads campaign with the objective of getting donations. (Get at least 20 donations from google Ads).
  • Run 1 Twitter campaign with the objective of getting Website Visits (Get at least 100 visits from Twitter ads).
  • Implement a Farcaster content strategy, schedule content and maintaining the platform with the objective of getting more website visits and extending the Giveth community.
  • Email series for project journeys


  • Platform Moderation & User Support
  • GIVbacks Eligibility Application Review & Project Listing
  • Checking DeVouch & updating projects’ Vouched status
  • Monitor services, servers & security of the Dapp and resolve incidents

Metrics :star:

  • GIVbacks Eligible Donation Volume: $150,000
  • Recurring Donation Volume: $2,000
  • Verified Projects: 80
  • Ambassador Quests completed: 50

Budget :moneybag:

Item Estimated Cost
Donation Handler Smart Contract (no audit) $10,000
Bitcoin Donations $6,600
Recurring Donations UX Imp. $4,100
Migrate Docs to Notion $3,800
Ambassador Program $5,100
$nice Token Utility Investigation $3,000
Performance & Maintenance $52,000
Comms, Community & Marketing $30,000
Operations $17,000
Software, Servers & Subscriptions $7,000
Total $138,600

SUSTAIN :arrow_right:

What we will do :white_check_mark:

Feature Development

  • Bitcoin Donations
  • Integrate new networks based on grants we win
  • Stop distribution of $nice tokens (wind down the program)

Community, Marketing & Communications

  • Migrate Giveth Docs to Notion pages
  • Ambassador Program S3
  • At least 2 Game Nights
  • Monthly Townhalls
  • 50 Giveth NFT mints on Zora
  • 2 GIVtalks with Partners and aligned communities
  • Monthly GIVnews newsletters
  • At least 2 Impact Reports
  • Giveth Verifier onboarding process is operational
  • Run 1 Google Ads campaign with the objective of getting donations. (Get at least 20 donations from google Ads).
  • Implement a Farcaster content strategy, schedule content and maintaining the platform with the objective of getting more website visits and extending the Giveth community.


  • Platform Moderation & User Support
  • GIVbacks Eligibility Application Review & Project Listing
  • Checking DeVouch & updating projects’ Vouched status
  • Monitor services, servers & security of the Dapp and resolve incidents

What we won’t do :x:

  • Donation Handler Smart Contract
  • $nice token utility investigation
  • Recurring Donation UX modifications
  • Email series for project journeys
  • Run 1 Twitter campaign with the objective of getting Website Visits (Get at least 100 visits from Twitter ads).

Metrics :star:

  • GIVbacks Eligible Donation Volume: $100,000
  • Recurring Donation Volume: $1,500
  • Verified Projects: 60
  • Ambassador Quests completed: 50

Budget :moneybag:

Item Estimated Cost
Bitcoin Donations $6,600
Migrate Docs to Notion $3,800
Ambassador Program $5,100
Performance & Maintenance $45,000
Comms, Community & Marketing $23,000
Operations $15,000
Software, Servers & Subscriptions $7,000
Total $105,500

SHRINK :arrow_lower_right:

What we will do :white_check_mark:

Feature Development

  • Integrate new networks based on grants we win
  • Stop distribution of $nice tokens (wind down the program)

Community, Marketing & Communications

  • Monthly Townhalls
  • 2 GIVtalks with Partners and aligned communities
  • Monthly GIVnews newsletters
  • At least 1 Impact Reports published
  • Giveth Verifier onboarding process is operational
  • Implement a Farcaster content strategy, schedule content and maintaining the platform with the objective of getting more website visits and extending the Giveth community.


  • Platform Moderation & User Support
  • GIVbacks Eligibility Application Review & Project Listing
  • Checking DeVouch & updating projects’ Vouched status
  • Monitor services, servers & security of the Dapp and resolve incidents

What we won’t do :x:

  • 3 Monthly Game Nights
  • Ambassador Program S3
  • Migrate Giveth Docs to Notion pages
  • 50 Giveth NFT mints on Zora
  • Run 1 Google Ads campaign with the objective of getting donations. (Get at least 20 donations from google Ads).
  • Bitcoin Donations
  • Donation Handler Smart Contract
  • $nice token utility investigation
  • Recurring Donation UX modifications
  • Email series for project journeys
  • Run 1 Twitter campaign with the objective of getting Website Visits (Get at least 100 visits from Twitter ads).

Metrics :star:

  • GIVbacks Eligible Donation Volume: $50,000
  • Recurring Donation Volume: $1,000
  • Verified Projects: 40
  • Ambassador Quests completed: 0

Budget :moneybag:

Item Estimated Cost
Performance & Maintenance $42,000
Comms, Community & Marketing $17,000
Operations $11,000
Software, Servers & Subscriptions $7,000
Total $77,000

Next Steps

This forum post will remain up and open for advice until all other Working Groups Proposals entering this Season have met minimum advice process. After that we will move to a Snapshot vote to decide the priorities of the Giveth DAO for the next 3 months.

When we have the outcome of the Snapshot vote we will meet as DAO Stewards to finalize the scopes of all WGs based on the available Season budget.