Decentralizing Project Verification

Following on the proposal to Loosen the GIVbacks Requirements and assuming a positive outcome of that proposal, this post aims to gather community feedback on proposed changes to Project Verification.

Context :open_book:

Project Verification is a process in which Giveth verifies which projects are considered to be Public Goods. It is a key process to vetting high quality projects on behalf of our donors, ensuring funds go to a legitimate and effective cause.

In the current project verification process, projects must apply for verification through a form and a member of the Project Verification Team either approves or rejects the application based on the information provided in the form. Approved projects receive a Verified badge, getting access to GIVpower and yielding GIVbacks to their donors.

It has been a long-term goal for Giveth to decentralize the way we verify the legitimacy of projects and decide which projects are considered “Public Goods”. We believe that a wider range of experts should have a say in which projects deserve to benefit from the economy of giving we’ve built.

In January 2024 @karmaticacid proposed a system to allow projects that aren’t public goods to be able to benefit from GIVpower - Changing what “verified” means on Giveth. This change would allow projects that are legitimate but not strictly public goods to participate in GIVpower. Effectively this would create two tiers of verification for projects, with each tier having unique requirements and benefits.

Enter, DeVouch :ballot_box_with_check:

In June 2024 we launched a new product - DeVouch - which allows members of reputable organizations to issue attestations for projects looking for funding. This allows eligible attesters to vouch or flag the legitimacy of projects across the ecosystem, including applicants to Optimism’s Retro Funding program and projects on Gitcoin & Giveth.

This was originally designed to fulfill the requirements of decentralizing our verification process and was spun out to provide benefit to the Retro Funding program and other web3 organizations focused on capital allocation to expand the user base and help fund the project.

We’re now at a point where we have the infrastructure and resources to bring this evolution to Giveth’s verification system! :tada:

Proposed Solution

This proposal is comprised of four concepts:

  • A new sub-community of the Giveth DAO - Giveth Verifiers :person_raising_hand:
  • Tiered levels of Verification & benefits :white_check_mark:
  • Verification POINTS :exploding_head:
  • Impact Audits :face_with_monocle:

Giveth Verifiers (working title)

A group of trusted experts and Key Opinion Leaders would be granted the power to vouch for Giveth projects using DeVouch. This would be done through the issuance of attestations on Optimism to the eligible addresses.

Furthermore, Giveth Verifiers would be encouraged to participate in an onboarding session to learn the finer points of verifying a project’s legitimacy and impact and to ensure value alignment with Giveth. Verifiers who completed the onboarding would be issued a separate attestation, signifying they completed the optional onboarding.

Lastly, the final entity within Verifiers is the Core Reviewers. These are our current core contributors who review verification applications and issue Verified badges to projects. Currently @WhyldWanderer @NikolaCreatrix and @anamarija09 - They will also hold a distinct attestation, highlighting their addresses as the most highly trained Verifiers.

Giveth Verifiers will be tasked with periodically checking out projects, reviewing their details and issuing vouches for projects that they believe to be legitimate and creating benefit for society and the world. Verifiers may eventually be rewarded in GIV for the reviewing and attesting to projects.

Verification Points :coin:

Projects that receive vouches from Verifiers will begin to earn Verification Points! Each vouch from a Verifier earns more points for the given project. Anyone will be able to see how many points a project has and which Verifiers vouched for the project.

With Verifiers classified into three groups, each with their own level of training and experience, we can then adjust the issuance of verification points based on the type of Verifier that vouched for a project. Points earned from Verifiers follow these guidelines:

  • Verifiers who have NOT completed the onboarding will be worth the least amount of points.
  • Verifiers completed the onboarding will add notably more points.
  • Core Reviewers will add SIGNIFICANTLY more points than other Verifiers.

We’ll have the exact numbers of points closer to when we are ready to launch this feature. At launch we will have the Giveth Verifiers composed of parts of the Giveth core team and all Optimism Badgeholders from Round 4 & Optimism Super Delegates, approximately ~260 addresses total. More Verifiers will be added by Giveth at a later date and we will provide the details of that process when the time is appropriate.

So, what the heck are points even all about?

With Verification Points we can then establish tiers of benefits for projects based on the amount of points they have. These are known as Verification Levels.

Verification Levels


We will have two tiers of verification to start with, level 1 & level 2.

Level 1 will require a low amount of points to become eligible for, in the range of 1-5 points. A level 1 project will be eligible to be boosted with GIVpower, showing up higher on the list of projects but will NOT yield GIVbacks to its donors.

Level 2 will require a SIGNIFICANT amount of points, in the range of 20-50. Level 2 projects will be eligible to be boosted with GIVpower AND yield GIVbacks to its donors. Additionally level 2 projects will need to submit an Impact Audit (previously called the Project Verification form). The Impact Audit requires verification of project ownership via social media and asks other important details about the projects goals, organizational structure and clear details on how it will use donations.

Giveth may add more levels and benefits to existing levels at some point in the future, there is a lot of potential for experimentation!

Impact Audit :face_with_monocle:

The Impact Audit is the first thing projects should fill out if they are looking to get vouched for and subsequently earn verification points.

A redacted version of the audit will be publicly viewable on the project’s profile. No sensitive information will be shown here. This will allow donors and verifiers to learn more about the project, boosting the likelihood of subsequent donations and vouches.

Our core team will still be able to correspond with project owners and help them improve their audit, increasing the chances they gain points and subsequently gain levels.

Summarizing the Flow

Project Owners

For project owners, not much changes in their onboarding process. They create their project on Giveth and are highly encouraged to fill out the Impact Audit (formerly the verification form). Our core team of reviewers will still do the job of reviewing Impact Audits and vouching for projects.

Project owners however also have the opportunity of getting more points from other Verifiers. Projects could even reach verification level 1 or 2 without needing a core team member to vouch for it.

Giveth Verifiers

Verifiers will be added to the group by the issuance of attestations and informed via the most appropriate channel (usually TG or Discord). Reviewing project details, including their Impact Audit will be able to be done directly from the project page on Giveth as will vouching for the project. Verifiers will never have to leave the Giveth website in order to participate, however we will also create a channel on TG or Discord as an optional discussion space for Verifiers.

Advice Process & Moving Forward

The proposed changes will significantly enhance the transparency, legitimacy, and overall effectiveness of the Giveth verification process. By decentralizing the verification system and introducing tiered levels of verification, we aim to leverage the collective knowledge and expertise of the ecosystem to ensure that high-quality and value-aligned projects benefit from our GIVeconomy.

This is an invitation for the community to share their thoughts, suggestions, and concerns. We want to make sure we get it right by building something effective and engaging for verifiers and project owners alike. We look forward to hearing your insights and working together to make these proposals a success!

Here’s a quick vibe check poll

  • Sounds good, let’s try it out!
  • No! We should keep project verification as is
  • No, we should find a different solution, I will comment my concern
  • Abstain

0 voters


Wow Mitch! You have put so much thought and energy into making this a reality <3

Personally, Im super excited to try out this system. It has been a goal of ours to decentralize the verification process and I think that you have put together a great proposal that will not only bring that dream to reality but to do it in a way that is flexible and open for evolution.


Wow that is really interesting concept and well thought of!
And how can one become a verifier?


I love the approach to decentralization, especially the resilience it adds to the process by having to collect buy-in from multiple verifiers. One clarification: I assume the projects that could become eligible for QF rounds on Giveth will require Level 2 verification. One possibility in the future could also be to do tunable QF (like TEC), where the allocation is weighted based on specific attributes in verification.


I think @WhyldWanderer has most of the materials prepped. We’ll be working on the flow for onboarding new verifiers once we get the MVP up and running.

We’ll make sure super users like yourself have a chance to particiapte :wink:

@rohitmalekar Great question! Each QF round can have it’s own eligibility requirements, but yes I imagine the QF team will make having level 2 a requirement. Especially for Giver NFT nominated rounds like the upcoming GIV-A-Palooza round in a couple weeks.


Love the progression for Verifiers and how people aligned can get involved


Would like to support the Verifiers onboarding and application process -
Also, I advise not having fix verifiers and giving this role temporarily - it’s a lot of power to assess the impact for projects and make them have high rank :smiley:

The process could be managed this way -
A “pool” of verifiers active for 6 months on draw verifying 3 projects each in different impact realms (eco-social-public goods for example) - change impact verification realms the following 6 months

Keep them active only for one year than pause for 3 years and again on draw call them back

Rewarding them in Givebacks to reinvest in the platform and have the possibility to access cash back in kind from verified projects products or services ;D

Let me know how I can support this process

Thanks for this!

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Hey, big fan of this initiative. It feels like the next logical step towards decentralization. As long as guideposts are put into place, and can be flexible for updates as Giveth learns more from the process, this is a great initiative.

Speaking from the lens of the owner of verified project Upe (an IRL community organization), one of our next objectives is onboarding other impact organizations in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Since May, we have been deepening relationships with over a dozen local community organizations to determine who are the collaborators who show up and execute, who has the capacity to learn and manage crypto funds, and which of their projects would be a good fit for Giveth. It made me think about the workload we’d be putting on your existing verifiers if all of our projects showed up at once.

Decentralizing the verification process in theory should help alleviate bottlenecks as the platform continues to grow.

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Hello everyone! Thank you all for your thoughtful comments. We’re going to be moving forward VERY SOON → :tm: on a first version of Decentralized Verification.

This first version is simpler and allows us to quickly test the waters on how Decentralized Verification will work in practice and get people playing with DeVouch

What does the first version of Decentralized Verification look like?

Here’s the main points of how project verification will change momentarily, as a first iteration:

  • There will be only 1 type of Giveth Verifier, instead of 3
  • 1 vouch from a Verifier = 1 point
  • There will be two separate statuses of projects: “Vouched” and GIVbacks Eligible (like Verification levels 1 & 2)
  • Projects need 3 points to become “Vouched”, letting them get boosted with GIVpower
  • Vouched Projects do not yield GIVbacks to their donors
  • To become GIVbacks eligible, projects must still apply through the current project verification form and be approved by the core verification team
  • GIVbacks eligible projects also have access to GIVpower
  • Project pages on Giveth now have a link to their corresponding page on DeVouch. Vouching happens on the DeVouch website, for now.

We’re looking at launching the first version of this within the next 7 days. Projects that are currently Verified will automatically become GIVbacks Eligible, no action required from project owners.

Giveth Verifiers can vouch for Giveth projects RIGHT NOW and projects will gain those points once we launch the first version of Decentralized Verification.

This will provide a new opportunity for projects that are not yet verified and might not normally pass our project verification standards to still gain some benefits from the Giveth platform if they appear to be legitimate and valuable.

Stay tuned to more news via both the Giveth and DeVouch twitter accounts.


I strongly believe we should maintain the term “verified”, or at least have some kind of community decision making around this - a poll or a vote.

“Verified” is a universally understood term. Many sites use the term verified. “Vouched” is niche, kind of web3, unapproachable.

The #1 feedback from our community interviews with donors about “what stops your from donating?”, is that they are “not sure if their donations will have an imact/lack trust with the project”. A huge strong point of our verification system is that it tells donors that these projects are “trusted”. It’s universally understood. People all over the world can get a felt sense of trust seeing that a project is labelled “verified” on Giveth.

If we change that to “vouched” to cater to a relatively small number of users who think verified = GIVbacks eligible… we lose the impact this system (and its decentralization) could have on the billions of people worldwide who would understand it with the word “verified”.

Changing the name of ‘Givback eligible’ to something more clear? (not that i can give any examples, seems clear to me, but i know what it means…)
Vouched is meaningless yet.