General Magic Services (Proposal for Payment) - February 2022

Proposal Information

Proposal description:
General Magic is proposing to bill Giveth for the services and support provided for the month of February 2022. We will be proposing for a 3-month budget/funding after this.

Proposal Rationale:
General Magic has supported Giveth since August 2020 and will continue to support us while we build out our team. They fill in our gaps providing resources of all kinds, actively contributing to the different working groups.

Team Information

In January 2022 there were 9 General Magic contributors
Mitch, Fabio, Marko, Rodri, Mo, Heather, Freshelle, Pedro, Ahmad

Delivered services:
Managing DAO tools and governance processes, Faciliating Governance calls, user testing on the dapps, copy editing for Giveth communications, Front End Development Support, Dune dashboard, support building Giveth Snapshot strategy, GIVbacks analytics dashboard, Design, Hiring/Check-ins, Screening Interviews, Candidate sources, Giveth Monthly Newsletter, Marketing Videos for Social Media, Accounting, Administration and HR support

Detailed services for each person can be found here .

Funding Information

Amount of GIV requested: $30,519 worth of GIV

Ethereum address where funds shall be transferred: 0xc8d65e1bd67f16522e3117b980e1c9d2caeb9dc3 (General Magic wallet address)

The amount requested will be from nrGIV in GIV tokens at the spot price when the vote is created.

Approve General Magic Services Payment (Feb 2022)

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

The DAO vote is up. Vote here!

30519 - DAI requested
GIVprice - 0.289780907847004
blocknumber - 21701244
30519 รท 0.289780907847004
105317.497369817 GIV requested