GIV-ARB QF Round Results & Wrap-up (July 30-August 13, 2024)

GM everyone!

The Giveth team is thrilled to announce the successful completion of the GIV-ARB quadratic funding round! Our team was so excited to onboard and work with the projects that were featured in this program.

Before we dive into the numbers, I’d like to give a HUGE shoutout to the Arbitrum community, specifically the team at ThankARB. Without them, this round would not have been possible. We sincerely thank you for your dedication to experimenting with novel funding mechanisms that push the ecosystem forward.

Quick Summary

  • Matching Pool: 150,000 ARB on Arbitrum One

  • Round Duration: July 30 - August 13, 2024

  • Eligible Projects: 79

  • Total Donations: 1552

  • Unique Donors: 668

  • Total Value of Donations: $18,960.46

  • Tokens Donated: ARB, USDGLO, CELO, USDC, ETH, GIV, OP, MATIC, XDAI, & more!

The final results including all projects, amounts raised, and matching funds can be found here:

GIV-ARB QF Round Final Matching Results (External)

GIV-ARB project owners - PLEASE double-check your Arbitrum address!

Project Eligibility

The eligibility requirements for this round were as follows:

  • Project Verification was NOT required to participate in this round; but applying for verification was encouraged
  • Projects needed to have an Arbitrum recipient address
  • Projects needed to be primarily focused on one or more of the following:
    • Building Arbitrum developer tools
    • Onboarding developers to Arbitrum
    • Growing the Arbitrum ecosystem
    • Creating educational materials for the Arbitrum ecosystem
    • Integrating Arbitrum into existing Dapps

Additionally, projects were required to show proof of their contributions in the application process, they were not eligible if they simply had a plan to use/build with Arbitrum. This was an important part of the application flow as this round was focused on Arbitrum on behalf of ThankARB.

Data Analysis/Breakdown

The GIV-ARB round marked our 3rd time using COCM to determine the matching funds distribution. COCM leads to a more democratic distribution of funds, favoring projects with a more diverse set of donors, and significantly dampening the possible effects of Sybil attacks and collusion.

Here is the distribution of matching funds by project:

We are very excited about continuing to use COCM in Giveth QF rounds and are pleased to see results that benefit the majority of projects! Major praise to Umar Khan, Glen Weyl, Joel Miller and the Gitcoin team for their incredible work developing COCM, and their support on implementing this within Giveth.

Another new development is that Giveth has adopted a streamlined donor verification flow using Passport’s ‘Model Based Detection’ system. Donors are assigned a score based on their onchain history, essentially trying to place a probability on whether a given address is a Sybil account or a real human. Users that had a MBD score or 50 or above “passed” qf-eligiblity, and users who did not were given the option to connect their Gitcoin Passport and accrue stamps. A Gitcoin Passport score of 15 or above was considered a “pass” for qf-eligibility.

This system was implemented to make user verification faster and easier for a large majority of donors, while still making participation in QF rounds possible for users with less on-chain history.

Project Stats

Here are the top 10 projects in the GIV-Earth Round by matching with some additional stats:

*’Match per unique donor’ is the matching divided by the total number of unique addresses that donated to the project

The ‘Match per unique donor’ metric is particularly interesting since COCM rewards donors who support a diverse set of projects. This means that projects that have a higher “match per unique donor” had a donor base that supported a broader range of projects.

Final Remarks & Next Steps

The GIV-ARB Round has been a resounding success, thanks to the dedication and generosity of our community. We sincerely appreciate the ThankARB team, donors, and participants who made this round possible.

This forum post will remain active for at least 3 business days to allow for community feedback and questions regarding the results. Project owners are encouraged to verify their project details (especially their Arbitrum recipient addresses!) and donation amounts to ensure accuracy.

If you have any inquiries or require further clarification on the matching results, please comment on this forum post or contact me directly.

Stay tuned for more updates and future rounds as we continue to grow the QF program at Giveth!


Thank for including us to participate in this round we look forward to engage in more activities


Here, at Dao Ashé, we are very grateful for allowing us to participate.

Will Giveth pay the money directly unto the wallet? When will this be, please? Thank you, again :star_struck:


Hey there! Funds will be distributed by ThankARB and sent to the project owners. Project owners will have to complete KYC if they are supposed to receive 2000 ARB or more. More in here, or keep an eye on your email!

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