Giveth Core Team Compensation - July 2024

Funding Information

Funding description:

This is a funding proposal to pay for contributor monthly compensation. However, due to the tight deadline set for this month’s payment, payments were already processed and this forum post serves as an information on the list of contributors paid for the month.

Funding Rationale:

The funds spent paid for the contributors who keep Giveth running as it is. :rocket:

Detailed goals, deliverables and budgeting can be found in working group proposals.

Team Information

Name Hours
Algene 60
Ali 178.83
Alireza 176
Almond 184
Amin 82
Anamarija 6
Ashley 142.15
Aubree 21.75
Carlos 184
Cherik 189
Daniela 12.37
Freshelle 30.58
Giantkin 20
Griff 63
Heather 22
Ian 116.50
Jake 137.5
Kay 80
Kieran 144
kkechy 38.28
Krati 32.05
Kristina 3
Latifat 157
Lauren 173
Lliam 8.25
Lovel 27.63
Lulu 1.50
Marcelo 22
Maryjaf 172.17
Mateo 73.33
Meriem 206.02
Mitch 162.17
Mo 165.22
Moenick 186
MoeShehab 126
Mohammad Ranjbar 208
Nico 51.47
Nicolas 160
Nikola 79.92
Paulo 3.30
Rafael 49.83
Ramin 160
Roberto 21
Rodri 56
Shyne 24.80
Tosin 54.85
William 37.75
Youssef 132

Funding Details

Total Compensation for the month 122,607.98
Less: Cost of Giveth in GM 11,498.43
Giveth Compensation Cost 111,109.55
Add: Clockify subscription paid by GM 226.45
Total Cost for the month 111,336.00

Amount requested from grants.giv.eth

Ethereum address where payments were processed:

Ethereum addresses where funds were transferred: To each contributor’s address.
For contributors whose contracts are with General Magic, their payment goes to generalmagic.eth

Note that no mark-up was applied for GM contributors working in Giveth. The amounts charged are all at cost.

Compensation Breakdown

This month, contributors had the option to receive compensation partially in stable tokens and in GIV. Here’s the breakdown of the totals:

  • Stable Compensation - $92,810.18
  • GIV Compensation - $18,734.37 / 3,226,993.13 GIV
  • GIV Price at time of distribution - $0.00580552
  • GIV Price via Coingecko Aug 7, 2024, 18:26:05 GMT+8

GIV Equity Distribution

Following the recently approved equity distribution plan, we distributed $9,077.76 worth of GIV tokens as equity to the contributors who opted to partially receive their monthly compensation in $GIV tokens.

Month July 2024
Equity distribution in USD $9,077.76
GIV Price at time of distribution $0.00580552
GIV Price via Coingecko Aug 7, 2024, 18:26:05 GMT+8
Total GIV sent for Distribution 1,563,642.88
Transaction Link here

Working Group Cost Breakdown

WG Cost for the Month in USD
DApp WG 55,634.65*
DAO Ops WG 7,434.18
Quadratic Funding (QF) WG 22,805.13
GIVeconomy WG 19,735.62
Fundraising WG 5,169.10
QACC 330.87
Total Giveth Compensation Cost 111,109.55

*Note: There is a $0.41 difference in Clockify vs. actual amount paid due to rounding off differences.

Here’s a month-by-month breakdown of expenses for 2024

Summary report links:

  • Breakdown of costs per WG can be found here.
  • Breakdown of WG hours per contributor and description can be found here.


Following the close of July period, it was necessary to reclassify some time entries from Giveth to GM and vice versa. As a result of these adjustments, General Magic received the following:

Overpayment composed of:

  • 459.38 USD / 79,127.28 GIV (compensation portion)
  • 196.88 USD / 33, 911.69 GIV (equity/bonus)

Underpayment of:

  • 24.38 USD (stables portion)

These adjustments will be reflected and rectified in next month’s pay.

Additionally, this batch includes a 605.41 USD payment to GM, for adjustments made in June.

ETH CC Reimbursement

Lauren served as one of Giveth’s representatives at ETH CC held in Brussels last July 2024.

At the conference, she undertook the following initiatives to promote Giveth:

  • Engaged in high-level discussions on sustainable business models and regenerative finance in Web3.
  • Represented Giveth on 2 panels at the Grants Funding Forum and Regens Hub, where our initiatives like Giveth QF, the GIV-Earth round, q/acc, and Gurves were showcased
  • Built excitement around the GIV token as a regenerative alternative to traditional grants.
  • Participated in a Web3 grants workshop, sharing insights and networking with leaders from Stellar, Celo, and CCN.
  • Supported Griff in preparing for his talk on unicorn.eth, capturing valuable media content, and strengthening relationships with key partners.
  • Onboarded Simon from Myosin into the GIVeconomy, collaborating on strategies to enhance the GIV token’s reach.

In relation to these, Lauren incurred flight and transportation costs amounting to 667.21 USD (80% of the total cost). Details are submitted in Clockify as an expense request, together with the receipt.

Approve Lauren’s ETH CC reimbursement?
  • Yes
  • No

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