Giveth Core Team Compensation - October 2024

October 2024

Proposal Information

Proposal description:

This is a funding proposal to pay for contributor monthly compensation. For this month, majority of the payment to contributors were paid in stable coins by Griff (DAI, USDC and USDT on Polygon and Optimism). This is a proposal requesting reimbursement.

Proposal Rationale:

Griff is a GIV maxi, and to facilitate some of the payments of stable tokens to our contributors while we build a better treasury management system, he pays people in stable coins and asks for reimbursement here. Hopefully this process will cause upward pressure on the GIV price as our contributors use stable coins to buy GIV, instead of the opposite, where our contributors get paid in GIV and then sell the GIV to pay bills.

Also, while we sort out a streamlined process for payments, we believe this is the efficient way of paying people on time and without delay. Should there be better alternatives, your suggestions and feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Team Information

Name Hours
Algene 53.00
Alireza 199.42
Almond 168.00
Amin 189.75
Anamarija 7
Ashley 141.95
Aubree 34.00
Ben 1.00
Carlos 184.00
Cherik 190.42
Freshelle 22.00
Giantkin 30.00
Griff 40.50
Guil 39.5
Heather 13.5
Hrithik 40
Ian 114.50
Jake 147
Kay 81.00
Kieran 21.00
kkechy 54.37
Krati 5.00
Kristina 27.97
Latifat 48.17
Lauren 162.33
Lliam 37.08
Lovel 1.25
Marcelo 19.42
Maryjaf 166.68
Mateo 72.08
Meloni 2.50
Mitch 159.33
Mo 134.02
Moenick 188.00
Moeshehab 16.00
Mohammad Ranjbar 184.00
Nico 32.17
Nikola 55.08
Paulo 20.45
Ramin 185.00
Roberto 3.75
Shyne 23.92
Stee 33.00
Tosin 114.78
William 59.75

Funding Details

Total Compensation for the month 105,431.24
Less: Cost of Giveth in GM 27,653.67
Giveth Compensation Cost 77,777.57
Add: Clockify subscription paid by GM 203.94
Add: Github Copilot - Giveth share 83.87
Total Cost for the month 78,065.37

Amount requested from grants.giv.eth and giv.eth
Ethereum address where payments were processed: 0x01d1909cA27E364904934849eab8399532dd5c8b
Ethereum addresses where funds were transferred: To each contributor’s address.

Note that no mark-up was applied for GM contributors working in Giveth. The amounts charged are all at cost.

For this month, Giveth will be receiving a payment from General Magic for $5,641.91 in stable tokens. See breakdown below:

GM <> Giveth Accounting Summary

Description Amount
Giveth contributors working in GM $27,653.67
Less: GM contributors working in Giveth $21,891.69
Less: Monthly Clockify Subscription (paid by GM) $203.94
Add: Github AI Subscription (paid by Giveth) $83.87
Giveth receives payment from GM $5,641.91

Compensation Breakdown

Contributors had the option to receive compensation partially in stable tokens and in GIV. Here’s the breakdown of the totals:

  • Stable Compensation - $66,209.91
  • GIV Compensation - $13,467.66 / 2,764,474.53 GIV
  • GIV Price at time of distribution - $0.00720197
  • GIV Price via Coingecko Nov 7, 2024, 15:56:52 GMT+7

GIV Equity Distribution

Following the recently approved equity distribution plan, we distributed $7,161.51 worth of GIV tokens as equity to the contributors who opted to partially receive their monthly compensation in $GIV tokens.

Month October 2024
Equity distribution in USD $7,161.51
GIV Price at time of distribution $0.00720197
GIV Price via Coingecko Nov 7, 2024, 15:56:52 GMT+7
Total GIV sent for Distribution 994,382.44
Transaction Link link here

Working Group Cost Breakdown

WG Cost for the Month in USD
DApp WG 37,019.31
DAO Ops WG 5,984.02
Quadratic Funding (QF) WG 7,206.42
GIVeconomy WG 16,254.87
Fundraising WG 7,366.89
QACC 3,322.29
Gurves WG 120.13
Devcon 2024 (Giveth) 503.64
Total Giveth Compensation Cost 77,777.57

*Note: There is a $1.74 difference in Clockify vs. actual amount paid due to rounding off differences.

Here’s a month-by-month breakdown of expenses for 2024

Summary report links:

  • Breakdown of costs per WG can be found here.
  • Breakdown of WG hours per contributor and description can be found here.


Included in this batch of payments were reimbursements which were paid out. Details are submitted in Clockify as an expense request with supporting transaction lists. These are the details:

  • Mitch (Deform subscription - QF WG) - 49 USD
  • Skynet (GIVEconomy WG) - 2,000 USDT

Funding Reimbursement

  • Amount of GIV requested: $66,950 worth of GIV

Ethereum address where GIV shall be transferred: 0x839395e20bbB182fa440d08F850E6c7A8f6F0780

The amount requested will be from nrGIV in GIV tokens at the spot price when the vote is created.

Approve $66,950 worth of GIV reimbursement for October 2024 - Giveth Core Team Compensation Payment

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


Transaction to reimburse in GIV tokens is ready for signing in the main multisig.

:point_right:t4: Sign HERE!

Amount in USD GIV Price GIV Tokens
66,950.00 0.00728246 9,193,322.04

GIV Price taken Nov 28, 2024, 20:42:32 GMT+8