GIVforward: Growing the Commons, Together

Exploring GIVforward: Sustaining the Commons through Categorical Funding

A Concept for Compounding Support of Public Goods and Services

Hey GIVfam

I’ve been a participant within the Giveth universe for a few years and I’ve been exploring public goods funding mechanisms that attempt to bridge tradfi and web3. I have been the tech steward of which has functioned so far as a public goods funding “giving trust” or “giving circle” - primarily using fiat to support ecological stewardship projects.

Part of my exploration is how the giving trust model might apply to broad categories of public benefit, similar to a mutual fund or ETF of investment finance, but for public goods funding. I think a good demonstration of this model could be a convincing example that could bring more positive attention to web3 and decentralized finance.

I captured some thoughts on an opportunity I’d like to explore in this realm, potentially committing a significant part of any coming $REGEN token ( allocation to the effort.

Proposal Information

Proposal description:

GIVforward is a concept for a new funding model designed to support the Commons, encompassing Public Goods, Public Services, and Public Servants within and potentially beyond the Giveth ecosystem. Key features include:

  1. Categorical Impact Funds (“Wellsprings”): Dedicated funding pools for specific areas of impact.
  2. Impact Attestations: Verifiable records of project outcomes and contributions.
  3. Resource Circulation System: Mechanism for continuous fund flow and impact compounding.
  4. Reciprocity Framework: Encouraging funded projects to contribute back to the ecosystem.
  5. Cross-Ecosystem Potential: Possible integration with other public goods funding platforms.

Potential funding categories:

  • Public Goods: e.g., open-source software, environmental preservation
  • Public Services: e.g., community infrastructure, educational resources
  • Public Servants: Individuals dedicated to serving the Commons

Proposal Rationale:

As the GIViverse Expansion approaches its conclusion (December 2026), there’s an opportunity to explore new funding models. GIVforward aims to:

  1. Create a sustainable, self-replenishing funding source for the Commons
  2. Enable targeted impact through categorical funding
  3. Implement verifiable impact measurement
  4. Foster a culture of reciprocity and mutual support
  5. Explore potential for cross-ecosystem collaboration in public goods funding

This concept could be relevant to GIV holders, the Giveth community, and the broader giving ecosystem by offering a path to long-term sustainability and amplified impact for public goods funding.

Expected duration or delivery date:

This proposal is at the conceptual stage. With community interest, a more detailed exploration and development phase could be proposed, potentially lasting 3-6 months.

Potential Technical Implementation

The GIVforward concept could potentially be implemented through two main approaches:

  1. GIVstream Redirection:

    • Modify the existing GIVstream smart contracts to allow recipients to allocate a portion of their stream to specific wellsprings.
    • Implement new contracts for wellsprings that can receive and manage redirected GIVstream funds.
    • Develop a user interface for GIVstream recipients to easily manage their allocations to different wellsprings.
  2. Superfluid Integration:

    • Leverage Superfluid’s programmable cashflow technology to create dynamic, continuous funding streams for wellsprings.
    • Implement wellsprings as Superfluid receivers, capable of accepting and distributing streamed funds.
    • Utilize Superfluid’s composable streams to enable complex funding flows between different categories and projects.

Key technical considerations for both approaches:

  • Smart Contract Development: Create or modify contracts for wellsprings, impact attestations, and resource circulation.
  • On-chain Attestations: Implement a system for recording and verifying impact claims, possibly using Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) or similar protocols.
  • Governance Mechanisms: Develop smart contracts to handle community decision-making for wellspring management and fund allocation.
  • Cross-ecosystem Bridges: If pursuing integration with other platforms, implement secure bridges for cross-ecosystem resource flows.

The choice between GIVstream redirection and Superfluid integration (or a hybrid approach) would depend on factors such as:

  • Compatibility with existing Giveth infrastructure
  • Desired flexibility and programmability of fund flows
  • Gas efficiency and user experience considerations
  • Potential for cross-ecosystem integrations

Further technical exploration and community input would be necessary to determine the most suitable implementation path.

Team Information

Myself +
[To be determined based on community interest and expertise]

Funding Information

Amount of GIV requested: No funding is requested at this stage. This proposal seeks community feedback on the concept.

Ethereum address where funds shall be transferred: N/A

More detailed description of how funds will be handled and used: N/A

Request for Community Input

I would appreciate your thoughts and feedback on the idea, including:

  1. The potential value of a categorical funding model for public goods
  2. The proposed components (wellsprings, attestations, etc.) and their potential effectiveness
  3. Challenges or opportunities you foresee in implementing such a system
  4. Interest in participating in further development of this concept
  5. Potential interop with existing Giveth initiatives or other ecosystem projects (Gitcoin?)

Great thoughts and best to see what our GIVeconomy steward @karmaticacid and our dApp steward @mitch think :slight_smile:


Thanks for the positive feedback, Jake!

For context, I’ve been prototyping (as a data engineer) in this space for a few months, tracing the launch of the DUNA structure, which is a formally legalized non-profit/for-benefit DAO here in the United States, in the State of Wyoming.

This essentially legalized the use of blockchain, digital assets, and digital agreements (smart contracts) within specific use cases. [see The National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE)]

It became active law less then three weeks ago and I believe it could be a potentially significant on-ramp of fiat into public goods funding generally, which is its own success, but I would love to see it directed to existing Public Goods funding ecosystems, primarily Giveth and Gitcoin.

I created as a collaborative platform that lets participants share ideas for DUNAs and tip micro-grants between them and join a DUNA-specific chat lobby.

From my perspective, I could see DUNAs emerge by public good / impact categories, and become dedicated funding mechanisms (with fiat and digital asset inflows) that could enable Giveth and Gitcoin to reach funding from a more mainstream, public audience.

Again, similar to existing mutual funds or ETFs in investment finance, but organized more for gifts and perpetual grant-making.

Instead of Semiconductors ETF, or a poorly configured Ethereum Investment Trust, what if people could allocate capital to an Open Source Grants Trust, leveraging participatory mechanisms to allocate funding? I’m aware that Gitcoin had a keen focus on this type of allocation and ranking function.

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Wellsprings: High-Impact Giving and Grantmaking Trusts

1. Introduction

Wellsprings represent a novel approach to philanthropic funding, designed as giving and grantmaking trusts with a focus on high-impact, potentially self-exhausting annual allocations. This model aims to balance long-term sustainability with immediate, substantial impact in the public goods and services sector.

2. Core Concept

Wellsprings are established as trusts with two primary components:

  1. A corpus allocated to long-term staking or liquidity positions
  2. An annual spend-down allocation for giving and grantmaking

Unlike traditional endowments, Wellsprings are designed for higher-impact, shorter-term spending, potentially exhausting their annual allocation each year.

3. Corpus Allocation

3.1 Long-Term Staking and Liquidity Positions

  • Timeframes: 10, 25, 50, and 100-year positions
  • Potential assets:
    • Giveth (GIV)
    • Gitcoin (GTC)
    • Regen Network (REGEN)
    • Other aligned blockchain-based assets

3.2 Purpose of Long-Term Positions

  • Provide stability and potential growth for the Wellspring
  • Align with and support the ecosystems of chosen assets
  • Generate yield or rewards to supplement annual allocations

4. Annual Spend-Down Model

4.1 High-Impact Allocation

  • Unlike traditional endowments with single-digit spending, Wellsprings target double-digit annual allocations
  • Potential for 100% spend-down of the annual allocation

4.2 Rationale for High Spend Rate

  • Immediate, substantial impact on chosen causes
  • Responsive to urgent or time-sensitive needs
  • Alignment with rapidly evolving technology and social landscapes

4.3 Replenishment Mechanisms

  • Yields from staked assets
  • Potential for ongoing donations or contributions
  • Partial reinvestment of impact outcomes (if applicable)

5. Operational Considerations

5.1 Governance

  • Community-driven decision making for annual allocations
  • Potential for different governance models based on timeframes (e.g., separate processes for short-term vs. long-term decisions)

5.2 Impact Measurement

  • Clear, predefined metrics for assessing the impact of funded projects
  • Regular reporting and transparency mechanisms
  • Adaptive assessment models to account for varying project timeframes

5.3 Risk Management

  • Diversification strategies for the corpus
  • Contingency planning for market volatility or underperformance
  • Regular review and rebalancing of long-term positions

6. Technical Implementation

6.1 Smart Contract Architecture

  • Separate contracts for corpus management and annual allocation
  • Integration with staking and liquidity protocols of chosen assets
  • Automated distribution mechanisms for annual allocations

6.2 User Interface

  • Dashboard for trust managers and stakeholders
  • Tools for proposal submission and evaluation
  • Transparent reporting of allocations, impact, and corpus performance

7. Potential Challenges

  • Balancing long-term sustainability with high annual spend rates
  • Managing community expectations regarding fund longevity
  • Ensuring effective due diligence given the high turnover of funds
  • Adapting to regulatory environments across different jurisdictions

8. Comparative Advantage

  • Ability to make larger, more impactful grants compared to traditional endowments
  • Flexibility to respond quickly to emerging opportunities or crises
  • Potential to leverage blockchain technology for transparency and efficiency
  • Alignment with fast-paced innovation in the blockchain and public goods space

9. Case Studies (Hypothetical)

9.1 Climate Action Wellspring

  • 50% in 25-year REGEN stake, 50% in annual allocation
  • Funds immediate, high-impact climate mitigation projects annually

9.2 Open Source Development Wellspring

  • 70% split between 10-year GTC and GIV stakes, 30% annual allocation
  • Supports critical open-source infrastructure and developer grants

10. Conclusion

Wellsprings represent a bold reimagining of philanthropic trusts, leveraging blockchain assets and high spend rates to create immediate, substantial impact. While this model presents challenges in long-term sustainability, it offers a unique approach to addressing urgent needs in the public goods and services sector.

The success of Wellsprings will depend on careful governance, effective impact measurement, and the ability to balance short-term impact with long-term viability. As the concept evolves, it has the potential to become a powerful tool in the ecosystem of blockchain-based philanthropic efforts.

Hey @toddxy thanks for the post! I’m reading through the description and I’m still having a hard time picturing the system you’re describing. Do you have any flow diagrams or wireframes?

I love this so far as a way to use our coming $REGEN tokens allocation…

Yeahh!! Been thinking about this too…

As a GIV holder in the Giveth community and a servant of several public goods and services projects on the platform, I am very excited at the prospect of of this proposal and

hereby express my interest in this.

I’ll need to read through subsequent posts and links included, will come back to these.