How to manage PAN overpayments?

For April, we overpaid 6019 PAN, about $737 worth.
For May, we overpaid 6567 PAN, about $717 worth.
So around $1,454 total.

Solution #1:
Subtract the overpayment of each person for those months from their June payment.

Solution #2:
Distribute June as is, and have those who received extra PAN donate it back to the Giveth 2 Campaign.

Your idea here :slightly_smiling_face:

Monthly Budget Allocation Spreadsheet


I vote for Solution #1:
Personally, I am not dependant on the PAN payouts so this seems most logical to me.
However, if there are people who need to opt for Solution #2 so that they can feel financially secure Im totally okay with that also.

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No objections to Solution #1 in our governance call today.


option #1 seems great

PAN Payments Revisions Round 2!

June payments would have been negative for many of us.
We now have the overages fully balanced out and positive sums for all - yay :slight_smile:

It’s Your Turn to Check Out the Monthly Budget Allocations Spreadsheet and spot the things needing another look together - woo hoo :partying_face:

Please review the number shown in the following columns of “MAY 29 - JUNE 25” tab:

Column E (Percent Rewards) - this green column is the number that we can adjust to reallocate percentage points based on human awareness.
Column G (4 week SourceCred) - time period data pulled from our Giveth SourceCred
Column K (4 week Praise) time period data pulled from Giveth Discord PraiseBot
Column P (Overpayment April) amount of PAN tokens overpaid in April
Column Q (Overpayment May) amount of PAN tokens overpaid in May
Column M (PAN Payout) amount of PAN tokens earned in this time period
Column R (Payment June less Overpayment) - amount of PAN tokens due to contributor

Then these columns in the “JUNE 26 - JULY 23” tab:

Column E (Percent Rewards) - this green column is the number that we can adjust to reallocate percentage points based on human awareness.
Column G (4 week SourceCred) - time period data pulled from our Giveth SourceCred
Column K (4 week Praise) time period data pulled from Giveth Discord PraiseBot
Column P (June Payment) amount of PAN tokens due for June (may be negative)
Column M (PAN Payout) amount of PAN tokens earned in this time period (July)
Column Q (June + July Payment) - amount of PAN tokens due to contributor

Let us know in the Governance channel of Discord if you have questions concerns or compliments, and watch for the Poll on if/when we need a hack session to revise as a team.


I prefer option #1, more simple and efficient

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Thanks Amin, yes that is what we are now doing!

If you’ll scroll to the last comment in this thread there is an update on HOW we are doing that.
Since most of your team was not getting tracked in GitHub, I revised the percentages to credit their work.

Your input to how that “pans” out will be appreciated!


I don’t see Carlos in the tables. He did many contributions in both June and July. Any idea @Danibelle ?


Following up, did carlos get added to sourcecred yet?

yes! He has been added.

I think Hannah just needs to rerun the numbers in the spreadsheet and then the accurate numbers should show. This should be done by the end o the month in time for the next PAN payouts.


it would be amazing if we have this done and out before Sept 8 (the start of gitcoin GR11!)


I hope for this as well!

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Payments are in process, watch your email / check your traces and get them to the Bridge!

Hey @Danibelle these recent payments are until July 23? Or they’re up to August 21, including the recent distro from @hannahjojo ?

These are all the way to Aug 21.
Numbers shown are … aww shnikeys.
I used the right spreadsheet… but the wrong column.
$%#^& and heavy sigh.

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