Invitation to the Hub by Āut Labs

Proposal Information

Proposal description:
An accurate and detailed description of what you are proposing
Good day team,

My name is Isaac, but I go by Warlord on web3, and I’m a community manager at Āut Labs. I’m inviting the Giveth Community to build its on our Hub. I’d like to give a brief introduction to the project and the potential benefits of launching a community on the Hub.

We aim to have a decentralized identity, where just like your government ID represents you. We welcome you to Hub by Āut Labs, which has just launched on Polygon mainnet. Our platform offers a unique opportunity to launch your community in a decentralized environment, where community members’ contributions can be tracked and recorded at the smart contract level. From Roles & Task Management to Participation & KPIs, the Hub reflects human dynamics on-chain. This allows for a transparent and tamper-proof record of activities across different communities on the Hub.

Proposal Rationale
Detailed rationale for why this proposal exists and should matter to GIV holders, the Giveth community, and/or giving ecosystem

A few benefits of building your community on our Hub include:

  1. The team can view how active its community members are, both in the community and on the Hub, all defined by a smart contract.
  2. Empower decentralization: By building your community on the Hub, the team is empowering a more decentralized way of building community, exposing your community to a more decentralized way to handle community management.
  3. First integration: By building on the Hub, the project will be one of the first in the space to adopt this new concept, staying ahead of competition. The team will also expose its community to be one of the first users to test new products that the Āut Labs team is yet to launch.
  4. Incentivized Campaigns: Āut Labs currently has two incentivized campaigns - a writing competition for content creators and a Zealy campaign. The contest has a prize pool of $6,000 shared among winners, and the newly launched Zealy campaign has a prize pool of $2,500 shared among top communities to build on the Hub.

Expected duration or delivery date (if applicable):
How long do you think it will take to deliver on your proposal


Team Information (For Funding Proposals)

Names, usernames, and/or relevant social links for team members (Twitter, Github, Giveth Forum, etc.):

Skills and previous experience in related or similar work:
What are some of your skills or related experience that might help inform GIV holders about your ability to execute on your proposal

Funding Information (For Funding Proposals)

Amount of GIV requested:

Ethereum address where funds shall be transferred:

More detailed description of how funds will be handled and used: