Meta Pool APAC QF Round Results (Feb 19-29 2024)

Hey everyone!

The results of the Meta Pool APAC QF round are IN! This round’s matching pool was provided entirely by Meta Pool, and they chose to support verified public goods projects in the Asia Pacific Region with their generosity :clap: We are very happy to have been able to host this very special round sending extra love across the world! :earth_asia:

Super fun fact: This round’s matching pool was entirely in mpETH - 3.75946 mpETH to be exact. When we started, this was worth about $10k, and today it’s worth over $13k!

This round supported 10 verified projects in the APAC region from Feb 19-29, 2024, leading to a total of ±$16k going to projects!

Quick Summary

  • 3.75946 mpETH Matching funds on OP Mainnet, made available by Meta Pool
  • $2832 of additional donations from the community
  • 10 projects
  • 34 unique donors
  • 72 eligible donations

The final donation amounts to each project, amounts raised & matching funds are summarized here:

Analysis Breakdown

Only donations from addresses with a Gitcoin passport score of 5 more were considered eligible for matching. Recirculation of funds, sybil attacks, collusion, or offering quid-pro-quos was not allowed. In this round, there were only a small number of addresses flagged & removed from matching eligibility.

Final Remarks

This forum post will be up for at least 3 business days to leave time for community feedback on the results. If no issues arise, we will set up the transaction to distribute funds to projects!

If you have any questions about matching results, please leave a comment on this forum post. Project owners - please check also that your OP Mainnet address in the spreadsheet is correct.


Thanks for Meta Poll and GIVETH arranging this QF for APAC project.

We will use the funding to build bridge, distribute knowledge and forster the local DeSci community in Asia. (

Right now, there are over 160 members in our TG group from over 9 different Asian cities. (Telegram: Contact @DeSciAsia)

We are also participating GreenPill x Octant QF round at this moment.

You can also support us on GIVETH:


Blocktrend’s address is correct.

Thanks to Meta Pool and Giveth for hosting this APAC round, it’s super meaningful for APAC project.


Hey everyone!

Thanks for your participation in the round. The funds have now been sent directly to the projects’ wallets on OP Mainnet - see the tx here.

Project owners you’ll be receiving an email today with a link to join a Telegram group where you can connect with the Meta Pool team and keep them in the loop on the impact you are making with these funds!

If you don’t see this email by tomorrow, please reach out by opening a support ticket in our Discord, and we’ll get you in!

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Funding Report for ReFi Phangan

ReFi Phangan, as the pioneering node of ReFi DAO in Thailand, has engaged in various activities over the past year to develop strategic services and public goods within the Regenerative Finance ecosystem. This report details the funding received and the strategic allocation of these resources.

Total Funding Received at mpDAO Giveth QF (Feb 19-29) - 2664.3 USD

Budget Allocation

The funding has been strategically allocated to support various activities and initiatives aligned with our mission. The key areas of expenditure are as follows:

  • The birth of Re:Plast full circle recycling center idea and understanding the potential of web3 grants that will allow us to collect funds for this project.
    Re:Plast announcement
    Re:Plast Koh Phangan is a pioneering recycling initiative aimed at revolutionizing the management of plastic waste on the island. By converting plastic waste into valuable, sustainable products, this project significantly contributes to environmental conservation and community welfare. A significant portion of our funding has been saved for the Re:Plast initiative. In addition, we are leveraging these savings by engaging in lending activities to earn yield, ensuring a sustainable financial strategy that supports ongoing and future projects. Re:Plast is now at the research and preparation stage, working through the best options for the land and the team implementing.
    Re:Plast status update

  • Event Organization: A portion of the funds is allocated to organizing onboarding events, e.g., Anniversary meetup and future Regen Full Moon onboarding events that we plan to bring back with the beginning of tourist season.
    Anniversary meetup

  • Cleanups and Environmental Initiatives: Back in February, we were already doing weekly decentralized cleanups in collaboration with GreenPill Phangan, and part of the funds were used for purchasing cleanup equipment, renting a truck to deliver trash to the recycling center. Additionally, we have ordered awesome T-shirts to spread awareness about our project during cleanups.
    Weekly cleanups
    Cleanups with GreenPill Phangan
    Cleanup equipment and T-shirts
    More about cleanups

ReFi Phangan is committed to driving positive change through strategic funding allocation and financial management. Our focus on sustainability and community engagement ensures that we continue to foster a regenerative future for Koh Phangan and beyond. With the support of our community and strategic financial planning, we aim to expand our impact and inspire others to join us on this journey.

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