GiVbacks and rGIV OPened the door, and Rewards walked in!
Besides the fact that Optimism is a chain basically made for Praise and a great match, Rewards DAO has been challenged with transaction failures on Gnosis Chain this past month which pushed us to choose making the network switch this week.
This was a necessary change to solve the problem.
It was also a pretty easy decision, having already been hashed out by the rGIV proposal.
Please let us know if there are any downsides to Rewards DAO on Optimism only?
As we move into Season 2 for Rewards DAO, there is a lot of upside for connecting and improving our rewards automation, calculation and…
Integrations with other tools!
We are also looking at how Giveth uses Karma to help link Praise to Reputation…
Great points brought up in the original integration post to revisit, linking here.
Is YOUR Karma being tracked?
Follow this link to make a forum post that links your account here to your data there, so we can see how to reward you EVEN more (while incentivizing participation in forum discussions )
Please let us know your thoughts!