The GIVbacks team has an important announcement!
Beginning with the Round 72 distribution, any donations under $5 USD value will be excluded from GIVbacks rewards. Please see this forum post for more details.
This change is being implemented to encourage more impactful donations to projects and to reduce the resources needed to review donation data.
Now… back to our regularly scheduled programming 
Here is the finalized list for the GIVbacks Round 70 distribution. This round’s distribution is affected by GIVpower ranking. I have included the average GIVfactor for each individual donor.
You will find the information for this round’s $nice token distribution at the bottom.
This forum post will remain in the forum for 48 hours (2 business days) for review and feedback before going up for voting in the nrGIV DAO.
Round 70 Dates: August 20th 10am - September 3rd 9:59:59 am Costa Rica Time (10am CST in local time (your timezone))
GIV value at the end of the round: 0.00577066062 USD
GIV Available 1000000
GIVbacks Distribution on Gnosis Chain
GIVbacks Distribution on Optimism Network
$nice Distribution
Have you heard about the GIVbacks V2 experiment?
Starting on September 3 (Round 71), we’ll be experimenting with a new way of rewarding donors on Giveth. Each eligible donation that you make gives you a chance to win up to 250,000 GIV!
Join us for our biweekly X Spaces, where we’ll announce the winners, share stories, and connect with our amazing community. To learn more about this experiment with GIVbacks, check out this blog post or join in the conversation on our forum.
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It has come to my attention that there is one donation missing from the above calculation.
We are currently working to add this donation and I will update this forum post with the new calculation. Thanks for your patience 
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The missing donations have been added!
Here is the updated distribution data:
Gnosis Distribution:
Optimism Distribution:
I will leave this here for 24 hours for review and then this will go to a vote 
ROUND 70 votes are up! 
Another round of rewards for those who give to projects, to society and to the world is up for signaling. If you hold voting tokens, please flex your Governator skills and be a part of making Giveth’s vision a reality!
These votes will only be up for 24 hours.
GIVbacks on Gnosis - Aragon
GIVbacks on Optimism - Aragon
$nice - Aragon
The votes have passed and ROUND 70 GIVbacks have been distributed on Gnosis and Optimism! 
Claim GIVbacks! - GIVbacks: Get rewarded for donating to public goods
Claim POAP! - GIVbacks Round 70
*donations must equal at least 10$ to be eligible for the POAP
If you donated DAI, WXDAI, XDAI, USDGLO or USDC to the Giveth Community of Makers this round, we will be sending your $nice tokens directly to your wallet.
Thank you so much for being a part of the Future of Giving with us!