Stewarding the Culture of Praise: Give Praise to Demonstrate Values and Create Real Value

Hello Giveth Community!

We’ve been looking over the analytics for Praise and noticing a few patterns that reveal trends we can address by bringing our culture of praise into other aspects of our Giveth activities.

Beyond the Community Call: Moving from 15 Minutes of Praise to a Praise Culture

We have a focus on Praise for 15 minutes once a week during the community call, and this is great! It’s the meeting with highest attendance and announcements of all the great things happening across the Giveth Ecosystem.

However - since reducing the individuals window for sharing the praise, there has been a decline in the quantity of praise being given, and the bulk of praise is being given by 3-7 individuals.

So, how can we:

  1. increase participation from the ‘long tail’ of infrequent Praise Givers, and
  2. actively encourage contributors in the ecosystem to /activate their Praise Power and get in the Retroactive Reward game with Giveth?


Here are some suggestions on things we can do right now to Raise the Culture of Praise.

#1 - Community Calls, Livestreams, Posts and Presentations:
Let’s talk about PRAISE, baby! Giveth has a great culture of giving and it deserves to be celebrated and praised, itself. Giving praise is an act of generosity that retroactively rewards contributors for their actions and retroactive rewards is all the rage these days.

How? Plug that praise at the end of our talks and announcements, inviting people into our Discord to become Givers who can then become Praise Recipients too, for their contributions as aligned partners building the Future of Giving.

#2 - Working Group and/or Chapter Meetings:
Let’s bring Praise into other meetings to raise awareness of interdependencies with other working groups and create more frequent but smaller windows of gratitude in our days. Leads, bring this responsibility into the foundation of these new structures.

How? Add a 5 minute agenda item to acknowledge people outside the team as well as within. Discuss who helped make the magic happen and invite those who praise less frequently to get more comfortable with using the PraiseBot.

Also, incorporate praise into peer-to-peer coaching and review processes, and get feedback on why members may not be recording their thanks and praise.

#3 - Working Sessions (live and asynchronous threads):
Build habits of helping others use the Praise system - when you hear someone say “thank you”, or “thanks to [name] for…”… Capture the moment! Saying thanks is nice of course, but giving praise actually puts value to your words.

How? Meme gratitude by saying ‘hey, that’s a great Praise!’ and take the moment right then to get it typed in.

#4 - What else? How might we use Praise to INCENTIVIZE action? We have a deep scale for quantifying praise so there are lots of things for which we can give praise from small to large impact. Praise the little things that can inspire contributors to then turn them into BIG THINGS.

Praise someone for taking on a task, celebrate the raising of the hand, and when they actually do the thing - praise how well they followed through on the commitment so it can be scored higher.

AND Finally, a note for the future - How do we share report data in a way that’s inspiring?

The Praise analysis continues - Kristofer and team working on new reports because there is so much data to analyze period by period… looking forward to having ways to provide more beneficial reporting at scale on everything from Top Praise Receivers to valuing Praise Giving over time for individuals, groups and all that Giveth has done already to pioneer Retroactive Rewards – AKA PRAISE CULTURE!!

Please share your thoughts on any of these ideas… and remember:

Give thanks to show gratitude - Give Praise to show VALUE.


This is a fantastic suggestion @Danibelle . I LOVE THIS.

I’m going to incorporate 5 min praise into all of my product related meetings starting NOW


I love this post! Great empowering reminder for all of us. I like the idea of somehow incorporating praise data into the buddy reviews.

I also believe that building more culture/practice around praising during the meetings is an easy and powerful move that can have some tangible, instant effect.

Let’s raise in praise!

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That is a be great suggestion keep it up