As we had discussions in reviewing ux flow of our dapp, we need to review user persona to make the decisions better for UX, so in my understanding we have 3 type of users.
User Type 1 - Viewers (web2+web3)
Not connected a wallet, not having an account
USE CASES: See projects pages, search, see profile pages, and see the all pages
User type 2- Donors
2-2 web2 users
Not connected a wallet, not having an account
USE CASES: do all above + donate to a project through Transack.
{How we can give the givebacks?}
2-3 Web3 users
Connected wallet, not having any account
USE CASES: do all above + donate to a project with their address
User Type 3- Project Owners who want to collect or give
Having an account, wallet is connected
3-1 Donors with accounts
- do all above
- giving hearts
- donate
3-2 Project Owners
- do all above
- giving heart
- sign up
(for web2 users Torus is mandatory - for Web3 users: they just need to sign with an existing wallet address) - sign in
(for web2 users Torus is mandatory - for Web3 users: they just need to sign with an existing wallet address) - sign out (once they signed in / we go ahead the the previous token )
- create project
- see my projects
- active/de-active projects
- edit projects,
- Add/remove project updates
- receive email notifications {I’m not sure about this}
So we do not need an account and stuff like “sign in / sign out” for type 1 and 2 users. and it’s like other blockchain platforms. and the suggested header that @markop designed is good for these type of users unless we should remove logout part because there is not any account there.
But for project owners we need account based design, we may have different header letting the user know that he is still signed in with the specific account name and a given connected wallet. So even I change my wallet address Im still logged-in but when it comes to donation, I have to get aware by the dapp that I have to donate with that currently signed wallet.
We may add a feature in backlog for completing this with adding more addresses as secondary addresses to the user profile.