Communitas WG S1 Wrap-up

Communitas S1 Review (Jul 6 - Oct 6)

Final S1 Deliverables Status

Deliverable Status Description
Plan/execute fun team building/bonding events FAILED :x: This did not happen
Revive Giveth Telegram group/revamp Discord server DONE! :white_check_mark: Telegram: Contact @Givethio
Expand the team and bringing on additional contributors/resources DONE! :white_check_mark: Maye was added to the team
Expand the Ambassador Program in Season 2 DONE! :white_check_mark: Season 2 consisted of: 16 initial ambassadors - 6 graduates - 10 projects onboarded (8 verified) - 0 donations onboarded
Expand Meet the Makers to become a viral campaign featuring projects IN PROGRESS :construction: We did a lot of work to expand the product and strategize. We created a hashtag and have been creating content to feature projects. We have also decided yesterday to discontinue the live events for now as they are not yielding a great result for the amount of resources spent.
Plan and execute Giveth Essentials sessions FAILED :x: I don’t know if this was a failure, however no sessions were conducted due to lack of interest or relevant topics to discuss.
Research and implement growth strategies of aligned communities DONE! :white_check_mark: Surbhi conducted a lot of research and developed documentation for growth strategy
Provide user feedback loops for WGs FAILED :x: We did not construct a more robust system of delivering feedback from users to the back to the builders
Project Verification & Listing DONE! :white_check_mark: Nikola & Ashley crushed project verification, taking into consideration massive application volume from QF rounds - we double our goal for this season!
Host AMA and Orientation Call DONE! :white_check_mark: YES! Every Wednesday…
Discord community engagement/moderation IN PROGRESS :construction: Ongoing effort that Giantkin handles like a champ!!
Non-User Support DONE! :white_check_mark: Onboarded/supported new contributors as well as new project owners and donors.

Spending :money_with_wings:

We calculated that in the duration of S1 the Comunitas WG spent ~$17,921.91.

Here is the breakdown:
Contributor costs - $16,971.36
Ambassador Program Season 2 Rewards - $1130.55

Our final spend is 29% UNDER our proposed spend of $25,300 which was quoted in our S1 proposal.

What will happen with Communitas? :purple_heart:

Although the working group will be dissolving for now, Communitas lives on within us all!

And will also continue to live on under the Dapp WG Proposal!
Check it out here

After the first Season of subdaoification and the restructuring of the team and its members, We have realized that it isn’t really in ours or Giveth’s best interest to continue creating a separate proposal and KPIs etc. We noticed so much overlap in the goals between Communitas and the DApp working group that it felt right to become one.

Maybe in the future when we have a bigger team of community builders, it will make more sense to have our own budget and WG again.

Please ask any questions that you might have about the decision here or in the DApp WG proposal if they are more relevant there. You will be able to see which efforts of Communitas will be included in each iteration of the proposal there.

Don’t cry! :cry: There will still be AMAs… and there will still be support and community building efforts!