DAO Ops Working Group Proposal

The DAO Ops Working Group is the glue that holds the DAO together. It has under its steadfast eye many critical areas of our overall operation and is charged with keeping them in check. DAO Ops implements processes for contributors and leaders alike to work with each other in a healthy way. :heart:

We are also charged with keeping our DAO engaged and heard, from core contributors to token holders. This point also includes making our DAO tools and systems effective and current. On top of that, we keep an eye on the DAO’s financial health, executing and evaluating management of the treasury as well as liaising with fundraising services.

The DAO, our DAO, benefits greatly from DAO Ops services for it relieves huge parts of administration and contributor management overhead so WGs can focus their time and energy on accomplishing their goals and furthering the mission of Giveth.

Goals :checkered_flag:

The DAO Ops has :five: main goals it will focus on in the short and long term:

1. Provide HR and Conflict Resolution services, while overseeing a healthy work environment. :people_hugging: :fire_extinguisher:

We are committed to listening to DAO contributors and developing processes that make sense for contributors and leaders to manage each other and maintain healthy lines of communication. This includes constantly assessing the effectiveness of current methods, such as the buddy system, and finding ways to improve. This goal includes holding WGs accountable to their agreements in terms of dealing with conflicts such as onboarding and offboarding contributors or leaders. DAO Ops by this means also builds a more cohesive relationship between HR and Conflict Resolution.

Under this goal we also provide support for contributors who are struggling in their roles and help to find solutions. DAO Ops mediates conflicts between contributors using Gravity and our active Gravitons within Giveth. We also create opportunities for interpersonal growth between contributors and ways for us to bond as a team.

2. Maintain highly effective & engaging voting process(es) :thinking: :ballot_box:

DAO Voting is a delicate balance, but it’s one of the core components of DAOing, to allow everyone to be heard and to make an impact in the organization. I would venture to say there are three critical components to manage in terms of voting: **Effectiveness, Engagement and Inclusivity. **DAO Ops looks to assess the current landscape of DAOs and find emerging tools and mechanisms to strike the right balance between the three components. We also assess participation and sentiment around our current tooling and perform minor or major iterations to how we all interface with DAO Governance.

3. Efficiently managing the DAO’s Treasury :lock: :moneybag:

The DAO Treasury, for now, remains centralized for the sake of simplicity and efficiency. DAO Ops will be tasked with tracking effectiveness of treasury management strategies as well as executing actions to improve its performance. However, DAO Ops does not have total autonomy over the treasury and is held accountable to communicate with the DAO BEFORE making any changes or movements of funds. The only exception to this rule is in the event of a time-sensitive emergency that could result in partial or total loss of DAO funds.

4. Accountability and Liaison with Fundraising services :money_with_wings: :handshake:

DAO Ops monitors the funding and resource allocation related to fundraising between the Giveth DAO and contracted Fundraising services with General Magic (GM). This relationship includes Giveth contributors who provide fundraising services to GM and its clients, as well as GM contributors who do fundraising for Giveth. We are held accountable to track the expenses of this service relationship and ensure that our fundraising resources bear fruit for the DAO’s Treasury.

5. Provide Governance Advisory as a service :coin: :brain:

In the long term, DAO Ops would like to leverage its robust and deep knowledge of DAOing (having been a DAO since 2017) to provide for-profit services to other DAOs. This could include building a package of advisory services that cater to the current DAO market which we can provide to bring back revenue to the DAO. We believe our great practices that we’ve built up to, is an attractive knowledge offering to DAOs who are either just getting started or looking to implement changes. This suite of methods might include:

  • Facilitating Governance
  • Building Voting Systems
  • Managing a Buddy System
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Treasury Management Practices

This is an experiment but we are eager to put resources into this goal and see in what ways DAO Ops can contribute to the financial health of the DAO.

Team and Resources :muscle:

  • @mitch - WG Lead, Treasury Management, Voting Systems
  • @freshelle - Accounting Lead
  • @Nicbals - Accounting Support, HR, Buddy System Lead
  • @hanners717 - HR Support, Fundraising liaison, Hiring
  • @NikolaCreatrix - Conflict Resolution, Gravity
  • @geleeroyale - DevOps, Buddy System Development
  • @amin - Smart Contract & Blockchain systems advisory
  • @Griff - Treasury Management & DAO practices advisory
  • Communications - TBD

Duration :timer_clock:

DAO Ops plans to stick around for a while, its duration will be permanent. As long as Giveth remains a DAO, we believe DAO Ops will be an essential component to the social, financial and administrative health of the DAO.

Season 1 Deliverables and Budgeting :mailbox_with_mail:

Grow :arrow_up:

What we will do :white_check_mark:

  • Complete subDAO Transition
  • First Draft Leadership Agreement for WG Leaders
  • Deliver Buddy System Bot
  • Centralized Accounting (sending payments to Giveth contributors)
  • Distribute Vesting
  • Distribute nrGIV
  • Deliver Onboarding & Offboarding Guidelines for WG
  • Facilitate buddy reviews
  • Hiring for Giveth
  • Conflict Resolution Services
  • Facilitate team bonding opportunities
  • Treasury Monitoring
  • Fundraising Services Partnership with GM <> Giveth
:heavy_dollar_sign: Breakdown Estimated S1 Cost
Fundraising Services $26,700
Contributor Costs $20,697
Software & Subscriptions $525
Buddy System Bot $600
Total for S1 $49,395

Sustain :arrow_right:

What we will do :white_check_mark:

  • Distribute Vesting
  • Distribute nrGIV
  • Deliver Onboarding & Offboarding Guidelines for WG
  • Facilitate buddy reviews
  • Complete subDAO Transition
  • Centralized Accounting (sending payments to Giveth contributors)
  • Hiring for Giveth
  • Conflict Resolution Services
  • Treasury Monitoring
  • Fundraising Services Partnership with GM <> Giveth

What we won’t do :x:

  • Facilitate team bonding opportunities
  • Deliver Buddy System Bot
  • First Draft Leadership Agreement for WG Leaders
:heavy_dollar_sign: Breakdown Estimated S1 Cost
Fundraising Services $26,700
Contributor Costs $20,697
Software & Subscriptions $525
Total $47,922

Shrink :arrow_down:

What we will do :white_check_mark:

  • Distribute Vesting
  • Distribute nrGIV
  • Facilitate buddy reviews
  • Centralized Accounting (sending payments to Giveth contributors)
  • Conflict Resolution Services
  • Treasury Monitoring
  • Fundraising Services Partnership with GM <> Giveth | $8900 monthly

What we won’t do :x:

  • Facilitate team bonding opportunities
  • Deliver Buddy System Bot
  • First Draft Leadership Agreement for WG Leaders
  • Hiring for Giveth
  • Complete subDAO Transition
  • Deliver Onboarding & Offboarding Guidelines for WG
:heavy_dollar_sign: Breakdown Estimated S1 Cost
Fundraising Services $26,700
Contributor Costs $18,150
Software & Subscriptions $525
Total for S1 $45,375

Great work @mitch ! Happy to see DAO Ops taking form!

4. Accountability and Liaison with Fundraising services :money_with_wings: :handshake:

After the discussion on the governance call, I’m curious to see a breakdown of the Fundraising services. It does seems like a high cost and it’d be helpful to have more information on it, like a list of the contributors that are working in giving these services and some explanation of what’s the financial agreement with Giveth and GM around Fundraising services.

5. Provide Governance Advisory as a service :coin: :brain:

I’d love to see this experiment happen! Is the plan to offer it from within Giveth DAO? Or would it be through GM like fundraising?


Great questions! Let me try to break it down a bit more, there are three items we can consider:

  • Giveth contributors who provide fundraising services to GM and its clients. (Cotabe and Suga)
  • Revenue Giveth makes from GM by providing said services from its contributors.
  • GM contributors who provide fundraising services to Giveth. (Brichis, Yass, Jake)

Based on that our monthly estimate would be as follows:

Item Amount
Giveth Contributors in Fundraising + $3864
GM Contributors Fundraising for Giveth + $4993
Estimated Revenue from GM to Giveth - $5003
Net Cost monthly = $3854
Net Cost for S1 = $11562

I would make very clear these are estimates based on limited data, so these amounts could sway by up to 25% since they change monthly based on the needs of each org.

To your second point, I would imagine that we would provide Governance Advisory as a service from Giveth, not GM. However just bear in mind that it’s all tangled up since myself, Heather, Nico and Freshelle all work for both GM and Giveth.


Vote is up here! It will remain open until July 10th.

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Thanks for all the efforts in drafting this comprehensive WG proposal @mitch

I’m curious about the relationships between accountability & liaison with fundraising services & the team info. From my understanding of this proposal, DAO Ops will only oversee & budget funds to allocate for the net balance between GM & Giveth charging each other for Fundraising Services (Money from Giveth to GM & from GM to Giveth). Is there something else within the scope of DAO Ops related to Fundraising services?

I think it would be great to add a Profit & Loss kind of document where we can clearly see also the fruits of the fundraising efforts. WDYT?

I will vote to grow the WG because I think the Buddy system bot could free @Nicbals for other activities. However, I saw that Communitas WG aims to have also team bonding experiences. It would be great to coordinate between both groups to make sure there is no rework or double-spending.

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We chatted a bit about the p&l sheet - we’re not sure it would make sense for DAO Ops to claim the amount won from grants as profit for DAO Ops since it really is meant for the whole DAO. However we could claim the payments we get from the service partnership with GM as profit - this would be the work that yourself and Suga do for GM GaaS.

To your second point about team bonding - looks like the team bonding points were withdrawn from the Communitas or at least I cannot seem to find them anymore on the WGP.


A late announcement but this proposal passed on July 10th 2023 with a Grow mandate!


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Sorry, and HI by the way…I did not read everything but for the voting, a app with push or wallet message system and maybe also a rewarding system for voters would bring more engagement maybe, or some NFT Badges or trust points which can get exchanged or something fun and for funding having a exchange and providing liquidity can only be a big sucess, using relay bridges the system is build so cool

oh my name is Laszlo by the way, finding out that board is the best system to communicate again, thanks wish you all a great weekend…awesome thx

Paying for Votes would not be wise imo. one. you would get randoms just to vote whatever way not caring about the topic. just looking for the reward. thats hugely bad.

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how about the have to answere 3 multible joice questions about the proposal in video was given, because that would it so much easier to transport the message…to proof the do it out of the right contect and maybe let them think about it again, and we reward the learning they did and not the voting

happy I choose to only be solution oriented and not problemd…had a awesome journey…influenced by art, music, meditation for years now…just grateful, and happy that we got a discussion startet should have a good solution in the end…thx a lot

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