DeVouch is coming in for its 1st Working Group Proposal! DeVouch was launched in June this year and has grown very much into its own product. Bearing this in mind and our commitment to better accountability and planning through Working Group Seasons, I believe it’s high time that DeVouch becomes it’s own WG. This will allow the Giveth DAO to better assess, budget and prioritize DeVouch related work amongst other intiatives that Giveth is allocating resources to.
If you’re not yet familiar with DeVouch you can check out the launch blog post:
Try out the app here →
Follow DeVouch on twitter here →
This working group is lead by yours truly, Mitch.
- Provide the necessary infrastructure for Giveth’s Decentralized Verification feature
- Actively seek & engage in external partnerships to grow the platform’s user base
- Act on any fundraising opportunities brought in from the Fundraising WG
- Increase volume of attestations made using DeVouch
- Relevant Marketing and Communications
This year we’ve spent $52,673.65 USD on DeVouch & Decentralized Verification. This include development, design, launch, marketing and communications of the DeVouch product AND development of Giveth’s Decentralized Verification.
Decentralized Verification cost approximately $9,000. This mean our total spend on just DeVouch is $43,673.65.
Season 6 Overview
Near the end of Season 5 we decided to stop development of DeVouch due to overriding priorities across the Giveth Galaxy (Unicorn Wallet & q/acc). Hopefully in the coming season we can fire things back up!
Initiatives in the Docket:
DeVouch custom resolver contract: This will allow DeVouch to turn on its business model by leveraging small fees ($0.10) on each vouch & flag using DeVouch). Most of this work is done, but we weren’t able to finish it because of the above mentioned conflicting product priorities & our overall limited budget in Giveth.
Multi-flag & multi-vouch: Allow users to issue multiple attestations at once, using multiple attester organizations and/or to multiple projects listed on the platform.
Karma GAP integration: Based on discussions over DevCon there is some bilateral appetite to make a two way integration with Karma GAP. This would include two integrations:
- grantees listed on Karma GAP into DeVouch.
- Integrating DeVouch into Karma’s Endorse feature for their users to “Endorse”(Vouch) grantees listed on their platform.
Attester Organization Abstraction: Explore new ways of assesing a user’s reputation, including other attestation sources. The goal is to assign a score of the reputation of someone issuing a vouch or flag to a project. Using the combined reputation of all users’ attestations on a given project we can assign a trustworthiness score for projects. This allows us to abstract the concept of Attester Organizations from DeVouch and simplify the experience and value proposition.
What we will do
- Finish DeVouch custom resolver contract
- Karma GAP integration
- Design and deploy multi-attestations UX for flagging and vouching
- Research on Implementing Attester Organization Abstraction
- Execute on development grants that we win
- Bring on a dedicated communications contributor to build DeVouch’s social media presence and reach for at least 20 hours a week
Item | Estimated Cost |
DeVouch Custom Resolver | $1,600 |
Karma GAP Integration | $1,800 |
Multi-attest | $3,500 |
Attester Organization Abstraction | $6,700 |
Dedicated Comms | $8,000 |
Total | $21,600 |
What we will do
- Finish DeVouch custom resolver contract
- Karma GAP integration
- Execute on development grants that we win
- Casual marketing & communications for DeVouch, 5 hours a week from an existing contributor
What we won’t do
- Design and deploy multi-attestations UX for flagging and vouching
- Research on Implementing Attester Organization Abstraction
- Bring on a dedicated communications contributor to build DeVouch’s social media presence and reach.
Item | Estimated Cost |
DeVouch Custom Resolver | $1,600 |
Karma GAP Integration | $1,800 |
Comms & Marketing | $2,000 |
Total | $5,400 |
What we will do
- Finish DeVouch custom resolver contract
- Execute on development grants that we win
What we won’t do
- Design and deploy multi-attestations UX for flagging and vouching
- Research on Implementing Attester Organization Abstraction
- Karma GAP integration
- Bring on a dedicated communications contributor to build DeVouch’s social media presence and reach
Item | Estimated Cost |
DeVouch Custom Resolver | $1,600 |
Total | $1,600 |
Next Steps
This forum post will remain up and open for advice until all other Working Groups Proposals entering this Season have met minimum advice process. After that we will move to a Snapshot vote to decide the priorities of the Giveth DAO for the next 4 months.
When we have the outcome of the Snapshot vote we will meet as DAO Stewards to finalize the scopes of all WGs based on the available Season budget.