Season 6 Proposal Roundup and Voting

It’s Season Proposal time at Giveth — the time of year when Giveth working groups come together to prepare a proposal for the next three months of work.

What Are Season Proposals and Why Do They Matter?

Working Group seasons are a governance process created by DAO Operations and managed by Giveth Stewards. This system allows us to organize and plan our goals for the next three months. It also provides a short period to reflect and review the results of the previous quarter, as well as a way to maintain our financial accountability.

Season Proposals allow the community to vote on how Giveth should prioritize working groups for the upcoming season, now with a duration of 4 months. Prioritization is decided by the budget required to complete the deliverables and metrics proposed by the working group.

Now is the time to have your say in GIVernance!

The latest Working Group Proposals for Season 6 have been published to the forum, Snapshot voting is now underway to decide the final outcomes.

They also propose a new set of deliverables, metrics targets and budget for the coming season — Season 6 will last until April 30, 2025.

Working Groups Proposals Season 6

Voting Details

Voting will be done on the Giveth Snapshot using Weighted Voting with GIVpower.

Voting Simulator

You can use this interactive spreadsheet to test out how the different scopes of each proposal fit into the total Season Budget of ~$250k.

Key Dates

  • Now — January 16: Read up on the proposals, ask questions and leave feedback
  • January 16 - 26: Voting with GIVpower on Snapshot

What Should You Do Now?

  • Read up on the proposed scopes for each WG
  • Try this spreadsheet and choose which scope you think the WG should get for Season 6 using the drop down menu
  • See the suggested weight for voting in Snapshot
  • Compare each proposal scope, side by side right inside the spreadsheet

Join us in shaping the future of Giveth! :giv:

Your participation and vote are crucial in deciding Giveth’s priorities for the next four months.