Quadratic Funding (QF) Season 6 Proposal

The Quadratic Funding WG oversees all aspects of QF at Giveth. In the last few months, we have take somewhat of a quiet pause, making small improvements & hibernating in preparation for our 2025 ramp-up.

For context and continuity, you can explore past WG proposals here:
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5

This post contains a breakdown of our spending, earnings, and achievements in Season 5, as well as outline what lies ahead for Season 6.

S5 Deliverable Retrospective

Deliverable Status Note
Complete GIV-ARB round :white_check_mark: DONE KYC for projects was completed, funds sent out and data added to our backend.
Complete GIV-a-Palooza round :white_check_mark: DONE Funds were distributed, data added to the backend, and comms distributed.
Improve estimated matching to reflect COCM :construction: IN PROGRESS This is in development phase, having been deprioritized consistently
Resolve issues around MBD system & bugs from 2024 QF rounds NOT DONE Unfortunately these issues were forgotten
Improve design of Giveth homepage to more easily find QF rounds NOT DONE Not complete
Manage Stellar QF round :construction: IN PROGRESS We are projecting the Stellar QF round to run in Feb, and have been coordinating with their team to set the round requirements.

Bonus Deliverables

Deliverable Status Note
Conduct hiring process for new QF PM :white_check_mark: DONE We are happy to welcome Yegor to the team!

Spending Review

Estimated S5 (3 month) Cost Actual S5 Cost
Salaries $7,200 $12,696

Reference: Giveth QF Budgeting Spreadsheet

Core Metrics Review

  • Fundraising has taken ownership of matching pool raises and all our other core metrics were contingent on running the Stellar QF round last Season, but that round is still in negotiations.


  • Without a dedicated full-time PM in QF working group, and no pressure to complete issues to run any rounds, design & dev issues moved slowly and lacked deadlines
  • We were overbudget by approximately $5,500, but managed to hire a PM for the new season (work which was outside of the agreed-upon scope), and I think that’s a win!

Season 5 Deliverables & Budget

Recall that matching pool fundraising efforts fall within the Fundraising WG. The following is a breakdown of our proposals for the next 3 months considering the new hire, and all the commitments we are currently making. We are excited to be ramping things up again!

Grow :arrow_up:

What we will do :white_check_mark:


  • Train and onboard new PM to take charge of Giveth QF rounds going forward
  • Manage & Operate 3 QF Rounds (Feb, Mar, Apr)
    • Decide timelines and dates for rounds secured from the Fundraising WG
    • Set round specifications, onboard & curate projects
    • Conduct marketing (3 Twitter Spaces, support guides, social media, and email outreach per round).
    • Create a round-specific support guide for projects & donors
    • Provide support for donors & projects via Discord, Telegram, and email
    • Conduct sybil analysis & funds distribution

QF Site Development

  • Full-DApp UX overhaul so that on any page someone navigates to, there is a clear banner directing them to the QF page & on every page the QF round is the “star of the show”
  • Redesign homepage navigation such that it clearly directs users to the QF round as the primary funnel during active QF rounds
  • Improve estimated matching results using COCM
  • Streamline Passport identity verification UX
  • Adapt QF product to handle rounds corresponding to any won grants
  • Address past-round issues and bugs

Program Improvements

  • For sponsors:
    • Create tips and best practices for Sponsors to maximize sponsorship.
    • Provide case studies from previous sponsors to inspire new partners.
    • Create an interactive “Sponsor Success Hub” on the website with examples, resources, and templates.
  • For projects & donors:
    • Create customizable gifs, image & video templates for projects to do co-marketing.
    • Improve user guides for donor & project onboarding with clearer workflows and resources.
    • Develop clear FAQs to address recurring questions.
    • Implement post-round surveys for donors and project owners to gather feedback
    • Build a centralized feedback repo (Typeform + Notion / Airtable) to track insights from donors and projects and use feedback per round improvements.
  • For team:
    • Create detailed guides for running and operating QF rounds.


  • Create, manage and market separate projects on Giveth for cause-focused matching pool QF-round themes like environmental, OSS, animals, poverty, etc.

Core Metric :star:

Number of rounds: 3
Donations in the rounds: At least 70% of each (total) matching pool corresponding to the round


Estimated S6 Cost
Operations $39,080
QF Development $14,300
Program Improvements $20,945
Extras $3245
Total $77,570

Sustain :arrow_right:

What we will do :white_check_mark:


  • Train and onboard new PM to take charge of Giveth QF rounds going forward
  • Manage & Operate 3 QF Rounds (Feb, Mar, Apr)
    • Decide timelines and dates for rounds secured from the Fundraising WG
    • Set round specifications, onboard & curate projects
    • Conduct marketing (3 Twitter Spaces, support guides, social media, and email outreach per round).
    • Create a round-specific support guide for projects & donors
    • Provide support for donors & projects via Discord, Telegram, and email
    • Conduct sybil analysis & funds distribution


  • Redesign homepage navigation such that it clearly directs users to the QF round as the primary funnel during active QF rounds
  • Improve estimated matching results using COCM
  • Streamline Passport identity verification UX
  • Adapt QF product to handle rounds corresponding to any won grants
  • Address past-round issues and bugs


  • For sponsors:
    • Create tips and best practices for Sponsors to maximize sponsorship.
    • Provide case studies from previous sponsors to inspire new partners.
  • For projects & donors:
    • Improve user guides for donor & project onboarding with clearer workflows and resources.
    • Develop clear FAQs to address recurring questions.
    • Implement post-round surveys for donors and project owners to gather feedback
    • Build a centralized feedback repo (Typeform + Notion / Airtable) to track insights from donors and projects and use feedback per round improvements.
  • For team:
    • Create detailed guides for running and operating QF rounds.

What we won’t do :no_good_woman:t2:

  • Full-DApp UX overhaul so that on any page someone navigates to, there is a clear banner directing them to the QF page & on every page the QF round is the “star of the show”
  • Create an interactive “Sponsor Success Hub” on the website with examples, resources, and templates.
  • Create customizable gifs, image & video templates for projects to do co-marketing.
  • Create, manage and market separate projects on Giveth for cause-focused matching pool QF-round themes like environmental, OSS, animals, poverty, etc.

Core Metrics :star:

Number of Rounds: 3
Donations in the rounds: At least 60% of each (total) matching pool corresponding to the round


Estimated S6 Cost
Operations $39,080
QF Development $7,865
Program Improvements $13,740
Extras $0
Total $60,685

Shrink :arrow_down:

What we will do :white_check_mark:


  • Train and onboard new PM to take charge of Giveth QF rounds going forward
  • Manage & Operate 3 QF Rounds (Feb, Mar, Apr)
    • Decide timelines and dates for rounds secured from the Fundraising WG
    • Set round specifications, onboard & curate projects
    • Conduct marketing (3 Twitter Spaces, support guides, social media, and email outreach per round).
    • Create a round-specific support guide for projects & donors
    • Provide support for donors & projects via Discord, Telegram, and email
    • Conduct sybil analysis & funds distribution


  • Improve estimated matching results using COCM
  • Adapt QF product to handle rounds corresponding to any won grants
  • Address past-round issues and bugs


  • For sponsors:
    • Create tips and best practices for Sponsors to maximize sponsorship.
    • Provide case studies from previous sponsors to inspire new partners.
  • For projects & donors:
    • Develop clear FAQs to address recurring questions.
  • For team:
    • Create detailed guides for running and operating QF rounds.

What we won’t do :no_good_woman:t2:

  • Full-DApp UX overhaul so that on any page someone navigates to, there is a clear banner directing them to the QF page & on every page the QF round is the “star of the show”
  • Redesign homepage navigation such that it clearly directs users to the QF round as the primary funnel during active QF rounds
  • Streamline Passport identity verification UX
  • Create an interactive “Sponsor Success Hub” on the website with examples, resources, and templates.
  • Create customizable gifs, image & video templates for projects to do co-marketing.
  • Implement post-round surveys for donors and project owners to gather feedback
  • Build a centralized feedback repo (Typeform + Notion / Airtable) to track insights from donors and projects and use feedback per round improvements.
  • Improve user guides for donor & project onboarding with clearer workflows and resources.
  • Create, manage and market separate projects on Giveth for cause-focused matching pool QF-round themes like environmental, OSS, animals, poverty, etc.

Core Metrics :star:

Number of Rounds: 3
Donations in the rounds: At least 50% of each (total) matching pool corresponding to the round


Estimated S6 Cost
Operations $39,080
QF Development $4825
Program Improvements $7865
Extras $0
Total $51,770

Next Steps

This forum post will remain up and open for advice until all other Working Groups Proposals entering this Season have met minimum advice process. After that we will move to a Snapshot vote to decide the priorities of the Giveth DAO for the next 4 months.

We hope you will support QF this upcoming season! We are excited to bring back the exciting donation & engagements stats we experiences in seasons before last :grinning:


Excited to see this proposal live! The GROW plan is super ambitious, and I’m ready to bring the energy to make it happen this season :seedling:


Thanks Lauren again for this QF Proposal! Excited to see @yegor join the team and see him get cooking.

I’d wonder what other metrics are useful for QF since Fundraising for QF rounds has been delegated to Fundraising WG.

  • Do we care about unique donors?
  • Do we care about unique projects that received matching funding?

Just some thoughts…

Also we are halfway complete on the docs migration to Notion and I spoke with @yegor that we’ll have a much easier process to draft new articles to share externally and update our documentation to make it easy to read and beautiful! Any new QF documentation can easily be appended or nested inside of existing QF docs and shared using the https://super.so/ wrapped website → https://docs.giveth.io/

I also found out that we spend average $13k to run a single QF round! I strongly believe that there must be a way to bring that number down.


Helpers Foundation team welcome you to Giveth.

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I think a lot of the $13k was related to the cost of hiring Yegor, and that why the season went over budget? Since we won’t be hiring again in the QF working group, fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:, I think the cost will go down in Season 6.

I really appreciate all of the details that are in QF Season Proposal. In an ideal world, I’d love to vote for the Grow proposal. Here are some points.

  • It seems like the UX is really confusing to donors, myself included. It’d be nice to create a clearer flow. I just wonder with these expensive UX overhaul, how many more donations we expect to receive? Are their other donation platforms that have better QF UX? I’d be curious about the research part.
  • Definitely support the operations cost for onboarding a new PM! I think those costs will decrease in Season 7 if all goes well.
  • I think a Sponsor Success Hub could actually help us secure more sponsors in the future, I hope it happens!

On another topic, should Yegor’s travel cost for conference attendance for securing QF sponsors be in the Fundraising group, or in the QF budget proposal? I generally support conference travel after a contributor has passed their trial period.

So regarding the $13k to run a round - to determine this, I did some breaking down of all the things we do in a round, and how long they take from whom. I got roughly $11.5k with an included 20% buffer.

However, another point of reference, you can see our spending on QF per month over the last year here. From January '24 to September '24 we ran about 1 round per month, and did relatively few development changes besides integrating the MBD system and updating our flow to include COCM.

I agree we should be able to get that number down, and I think a lot of the spending is from inefficient management, and ultimately, not having good, streamline checklists and “pass-off” flows between contributors, something I think & hope we can solve with @yegor’s support and our plans to improve these processes internally in every proposal tier.

I think also with the new clockify categories we added, we can get a closer look at how much each individual round costs, instead of our current approximations.

I love the idea of doing some additional QF UX research. I’m familiar with Allo and have used clr fund - I think there is room for improvement for all of these wrt UX (and that Giveth stacks up pretty good). However, the place we fall flat is that it’s hard for users just to get to the page where they can see and interact with QF. I feel like here we lose users, and have heard this feedback from some of them.

Imo this should be in fundraising (as it is now) since currently QF-fundraising activities are covered by fundraising. I think @JakeS, @yegor and I can reassess that setup for the next WG proposal (for Season 7), but for now, it makes sense to keep all fundraising under fundraising. QF WG covers operations, round marketing and QF-dapp improvements.

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