Fundraising Season 4 WG Proposal

"WOWzers”…as Lauren’s mom would say, these past 3 months just flew by…so now what…welp, I guess ”Onward & Upward” or something like that.

Reflecting back on our first ever WG proposal, there was some really great stuff, a little bad / learning, but overall, some pretty damn epic, happy progress with what we did and accomplished. But enough looking backwards, lets peddle on ahead in our continued effort to “Fund the Commons” of Giveth.

Come along with me on this journey and lets get dirty in deets below!

Season 3 Review

In this section, I’m going to break down the deliverables from the past 3 months, and provide an update on it’s status and any relevant information. We’ll also cover our spending in Season 3 and compare it to our estimated budget we covered in the previous Season proposal.

Deliverables Status Notes
Apply to around 15 L2 grants per season, as that is all Marcelo’s current part-time workload can handle Missed :x: - Won ~ Kyoto ($130K+)

- Applied ~ Taiko, Metis, Stellar & ARB

- Will apply by end of June ~ BNB, ICP & Polkadot

- Didn’t Win ~ LTIPP & XRPL
Limit our time applying to other types of fundraising / grant opportunities (not L2s), so maybe around 6 per season DONE! :white_check_mark: - Celo RPGF0 ~ 5,433.55 celo / +$3.5K

- Octant EPOCH 3 ~ 13.3081 ETH / +$40K

- Gitcoin Grants #20 ~ +$10K

- Covalent ~ $15K in credits

- MetaPool ~ round active now

- Team declined to enter ENS small grants
Secure 4 new QF sponsors for the season DONE! :white_check_mark: Brought 12 to the game!!!
Have a physical presence at BlockSplit (May 27-30) DONE! :white_check_mark: Shilled, grinded and stayed under budget!
Work with Lauren to continue performing hand offs of her current fundraising activities (ie Octant, Gitcoin, Optimism, etc.) DONE! :white_check_mark: Neil Diamond said it best “Hands, Touchin’ hands

Reachin’ out…” hand off’s complete!
Finish the rest of the forum follow up posts for all our previous grant wins DONE! :white_check_mark: Worked with Lauren to knock these out as well
Maintain the current amount of dedicated monthly hours by Jake (45’ish hours/month) & Marcelo (30’ish hours/month) Missed :x: Fundraising really has been ramping up for Giveth, so our hours have exploded:

Jake - 100/hrs average /month

Marcelo - 45/hrs average /month
Keep Griff’s current fundraising hours (around 40 hr per season) DONE! :white_check_mark: For April & May Griff did 15 hours total, highly doubt he will do 25 hours just in June then
Bonus item: We needed a central library for our past, current and future grant applications, so Marcelo researched all of that and created a “Giveth Gardens Notion.” Now we don’t have to waste time!!! BONUS DONE! :white_check_mark:

Season 3 Spending :money_with_wings:

Below I’m going to simply compare the forecasted spending with the actual funding based on available data in Clockify.

Type Estimated S3 Cost Actual S3 Cost Actual S3 Money Brought In
Contributor Costs $11,800 $13,757.03
Events $2,500 $1,879.70
Grants Won $186,500 + $15,000 in credits
Total $14,300 $15,636.73

Season 4 Deliverables & Budgeting

There are 3 possible scopes that Fundraising can take in the coming Season, each with different deliverables and budget. The Season Snapshot vote will dictate the scope of this working group, depending on it’s signaled priority amongst other working groups, as decided by the Giveth DAO.

GROW :arrow_upper_right:


What we will do :white_check_mark:

  • Apply to around 15 L2s grants per season
  • Apply to around 6 other type of fundraising / grant opportunities (not L2s)
  • Hit $275,000 of “Grants Won Revenue” for the season
  • Hire and add 1 new Grant Marketing Wizard, pushing our grant efforts to insane new heights and making Giveth profitable
  • Secure 8 new QF sponsors for the season
  • Have a physical presence at ETHCC (July 8-13th) & Futurist ETHToronto (August 12-16th)
  • Up the stakes with our amount of dedicated monthly hours by Jake (125’ish hrs/month) & Marcelo (44’ish hrs/month)
  • Incorporate designers into our grant applications to make our grants POP!, a budget of 20/hrs of design work.
  • Continue to provide forum follow ups posts for all our previous grant wins
  • Keep Griff’s current fundraising hours (around 30/hr per season)
:heavy_dollar_sign: Breakdown Estimated S3 Cost
Contributor costs $23,000
Events $5,000
Total $28,000

SUSTAIN :arrow_right:

What we will do :white_check_mark:

  • Apply to around 10 L2 grants per season, as that is all Marcelo’s current part-time workload can handle
  • Limit our time applying to other types of fundraising / grant opportunities (not L2s), so maybe around 5 per season
  • Hit $200,000 of “Grants Won Revenue” for the season
  • Secure 6 new QF sponsors for the season
  • Have a physical presence at ETHCC (July 8 - 13th)
  • Continue to provide forum follow ups posts for all our previous grant wins
  • Maintain the current amount of dedicated monthly hours by Jake (100’ish hrs/month) & Marcelo (35’ish hrs/month)
  • Incorporate designers into our grant applications to make our grants POP!, a budget of 5/hrs of design work.
  • Keep Griff’s current fundraising hours (around 30/hr per season)

What we won’t do :x:

  • Hire another Grant Marketing Wizard
  • Attend a 2nd IRL event
:heavy_dollar_sign: Breakdown Estimated S3 Cost
Contributor costs $15,500
Events $2,000
Total $17,500

SHRINK :arrow_lower_right:

What we will do :white_check_mark:

  • Apply to 7 L2 grants
  • Limit our time applying to other types of fundraising / grant opportunities (not L2s), so maybe around 2 per season
  • Hit $125,000 of “Grants Won Revenue” for the season
  • No QF sponsorship work, leave it only to the QF WG
  • Have a physical presence at ETHCC (July 8 - 13th)
  • Continue to provide forum follow ups posts for all our previous grant wins
  • Decrease the current amount of dedicated monthly hours by Jake (75’ish hrs/month) & Marcelo (26’ish hrs/month)
  • Won’t incorporated designer work into our grant applications, therefore they won’t POP as hard
  • Cap Griff’s fundraising hours to only 20 hrs per season (cutting down his review of grants and outreach)

What we won’t do :x:

  • Hire another Grant Whisper / Word Wizard
  • No QF sponsorship work
:heavy_dollar_sign: Breakdown Estimated S3 Cost
Contributor costs $11,625
Events $2,000
Total $13,625

Next Steps

This proposal will remain for advice process until all other eligible Working Groups have posted their Working Group Proposals and minimum advice process (5 days) has been met for them.

A single Snapshot vote :zap: will be created to decide the final priorities and budgets for all Working Groups for Season 3. Keep an eye out for it!


Nice proposals! Glad to see baby WG Fundraising spreading its wings! I especially like the ambitious goals for total revenue won!

Curious why did you pick Futurist Toronto as your second choice for a conference to have a physical presence at? Trying to swing in a quick trip to Niagara Falls and the CN tower or what?


Thanks Motch!

Fundraising team is trying to stay focused on ETH events for the most part, and for this season the top two would be ETHCC and ETH Toronto from the list of events I reviewed with Griff. But now that you mention it, would be some impressive Giveth marketing if I were to barrel down the mouth of Canada! :oil_drum:

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EDITED on July 2nd, 2024

After reviewing the final spending for the season was able to give the accurate spending amount for the season.

This section is the only part that was edited:

Type Estimated S3 Cost Actual S3 Cost Actual S3 Money Brought In
Contributor Costs $11,800 $13,757.03
Events $2,500 $1,879.70
Grants Won $186,500 + $15,000 in credits
Total $14,300 $15,636.73

FAM AND GALAXY1!! Now that ETHCC7 has come and gone…single tear…it’s time to update the expenses portion of our proposal here.

Something to remember, the DAO has already approved these expenses by selecting “sustain” for the Fundraising WG in the WG season proposal above. In that section, you can see an approved budget of $2000 for all events, but specifically, ETHCC, as it is the only one that the Fundraising team will be attending this season.


Flight - $577.50
Accommodation - $875.50 (Six nights - please note that this portion will be paid back to Griff)
Transportation - $76.30 (on first and last day, to Airports and to the accommodation and then back)
Phone eSim - $20
Meals - $200

Total - $1749.30

secondary note - all expenses with receipts have been uploaded into Clockify :slight_smile:

Some really great stuff came out of the event; all the Networking & Relationship Building, Lead Generation, Brand Awareness, Market Research, Product Feedback, Partnership Opps. and Company Representation, so definitely worth the trip, time, and investment!!

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Hi again Galaxy,

Had a little unexpected but great fundraising opportunity arise in Barcelona with Griff to target a new’ish market to Giveth, the European Blockchain Convention, so we took it.

With that said, there were some expenses to be paid, please find them below:

*Reminder, the DAO has already approved these expenses by selecting “sustain” for the Fundraising WG in the WG season proposal above.


Flight - $593.47
Accomodation - FREE (stayed at Giveth Hacker House)
Transportation - $51.40 (on first and last day, to Airports and to the accommodation and then back)
Phone eSim - $11
Meals - $180

Total - $835.87

*secondary note - all expenses with receipts have been uploaded into Clockify

What was really cool about this event is it was mostly DeFi so a really great opportunity to make new waves and change up the opportunities with some new blood, specifically with our KOL pitch. Lets see what comes out of it!

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