Important Updates on Giveth Rewards

Hey folks!

After careful review and consideration of the rewards system and distribution over the past months, we are proposing to make a few changes on how it works:

Increase in GIV rewards given to Quantifiers:

  • From 7% previously, quantifiers will now be getting 16% of the rewards. We have increased the overall distribution and then increased the reward percentage allocated to quantifiers.

  • Quantifiers working within Giveth will no longer receive separate compensation for quantifying (eg. by adding their quantifying hours to their time entries). They will receive the rewards for quantification solely through the regular rewards distribution. This provides a fair opportunity for uncompensated quantifiers outside of Giveth.

Removal of rewards given back to Praise Organization

  • All rewards now will be distributed to contributors and the community.

We believe these changes will further incentivize and reward the valuable contributions made by our community members.

Check out this spreadsheet to see a detailed comparison on how the rewards calculations will change:

Do you think these changes look good and that we should implement them in the next distribution?
  • Yes, let’s do it!
  • No, I have a question. I’ll comment below.

0 voters


I made a copy of the sheet above and added third proposal, also I noticed the bonus in praise rewards we give to non-contributors wasn’t applied.

Here’s the new sheet:

There’s also a parameter we have tweaked called the “Praise Ceiling” which allows us to give out more or less total rewards based on the amount of praise dished in the month. In the old method the ceiling was set at 750, meaning 750 instances of praise needed to be dished in order to distribute the entire monthly budget of 116k GIV. Currently we average between 180-350 praise per month.

  • In the first alternative proposal, the praise ceiling is lowered to 450, with 84% of rewards going to praise recipients and 16% going to quantifiers.

  • In the second alternative proposal, the praise ceiling is lowered to 400, with 80% of rewards going to praise recipients and 20% going to quantifiers.

Assuming you agree with the above changes in principle, is there a preference on which parameters to use?

  • First proposal, 86/14 & 450 Praise Ceiling
  • Second proposal, 80/20 & 400 Praise Ceiling
  • No Changes!
  • I have another idea, will comment

0 voters


I like the higher ceiling - the less often we have to hunker down and quanity praise, the better, imo.