Hey folks, I wanted to come back around on this awesome feature update! Given our recent discussions around generating revenue and demand for $GIV tokens I wanted to propose some modifications into not this feature itself but how we implement it.
Building on this idea I proposed back in October:
The just of what I quoted above was that if implemented a feature where we required projects to make a deposit in $GIV in order for them to create a project on Giveth.
There were many fair arguments against this idea, the primary being creating friction for people to use our platform and simply just make a project.
But What If…
So perhaps overcoming this we could create a “basic” version of the project view - which is the current version and then a “pro” version that would include all of the features that @msaeedi has designed for us.
Users would need to deposit a certain amount of GIV, which might change periodically based on factors such as average 30 day price and they would be able to upgrade their project with additional features.
Users can retire their project or downgrade it to the basic version and withdraw their deposit back with no fees or very little fees.
By doing this we can achieve a few cool things:
- Design a “freemium” model that’s been adopted by many successful products.
- Increase $GIV utility by requiring projects to acquire and hold GIV as long as they want their upgraded project features.
- Don’t increase the friction for users who simply want to make a project but we offer them a better project owner experience for “just a few bucks” more.
I think we could design this feature independently to the current development process for the project single screen making a few extra modals for project owners, some extra database work and a deposit smart contract which would handle holding $GIV tokens.
We can launch the new single project screen view when it’s ready as an “Open Beta” while we prepare the rest of this feature in the meantime.