Improving the Giveth Leadership Process

Hello fellow Givethers!

As you might have heard, we are cooking something special for leaders.

Through the subDAOification process, we have discovered that our leaders have different responsibilities and therefore deserve their own code of conduct, self-review, and peer review forms. Heather, Mitch, Nico, Freshelle, and myself have co-created three separate HR documents to address these needs. A Leadership agreement article, peer review form, and self-review form.

Leadership Agreement

The purpose of this agreement is to have a common set of expectations and principles for contributors who are assuming a leadership role within Giveth, either of a Chapter or Working Group.

By having a written agreement accepted by both the Giveth DAO and the leader it will provide us with basic principles which hopefully can mitigate conflict. When we can understand and agree on how leaders should show up in the workplace this will increase accountability of Leaders, who under the subDAOification process wield more decision-making power than previously.

Here is a link to the Leadership Agreement, open for review and comments!

Leadership self-review form

This form is specific for leaders of Chapters or Working Groups, similar to the current self-review form, this will help you reflect on what you’ve done well and where you think you can improve. These questions have been added to the regular self-review form to reflect the nuances of being a leader and the extra responsibility it carries.

This form should be completed ahead of each quarterly buddy call for a given leader.

Check out the typeform here, open for questions, comments, and feedback!

Leadership peer review form

Similar in principle to the self-review form, this is a form specifically for leaders of Chapters or Working Groups that is open to be filled out by contributors. This was modified from the current peer review form to collect feedback tailored for how leaders are leading. This form can be filled out at any time by any contributor, and especially before an upcoming buddy review for a given leader within Giveth. It will be used in place of the regular contributor feedback when providing reflections for leaders.

Check out the typeform here, open for questions, comments and feedback!

Reminder - If you have a more serious conflict between yourself and a leader we invite you to fill out a Gravity support request form to begin a process of conflict resolution and have your concerns more immediately addressed. Here’s the link for the Gravity support typeform.

We think these docs will help make Giveth an even cooler place, but we want to know what you think! Got any thoughts or ideas to share? We’re listening!

Please go ahead and try out both forms as well as check out the shiny new Leadership Agreement and let us know what your thoughts are.

This wouldn’t be a proper forum post without some poll action. :wink:

Do you approve of the Leadership AGREEMENT article?

  • Yes, I approve the documents as is.
  • Not yet, I have some ideas I’d like to add
  • No, we shouldn’t have these forms at all.

0 voters

Do you approve the Leadership SELF-review form?

  • Yes, I approve the typeform as is.
  • Not yet, I have some ideas I’d like to add.
  • No, we shouldn’t have these forms at all.

0 voters

Do you approve the Leadership PEER review form?

  • Yes, I approve the typeform as is.
  • Not yet, I have some ideas I’d like to add.
  • No, we shouldn’t have these forms at all.

0 voters


I left a small comment on the leadership doc. In both forms also, I think it would be useful to say which WG the person is leading/which WG the reviewer considers them the leader of.

Like I lead QF & GIVeconomy, but I also am a leader in comms. Not the comms lead, but when someone is filling out the form & considering me generally as a leader, they might be providing feedback on my leadership in comms, for example.

So I think the questions should be adapted a little, or something added to that the writer can provide context about what the leader is leading & what they are being reviewed for.


Thank you all for taking the time to check these new leadership gadgets. :slight_smile: @Nicbals is helping with the implementation and will make sure to connect with all of you leaders outhere.