Paid Continued Education and Contributor Training

We are excited to announce that we have allocated a training budget to support your professional growth and development! Starting this year, each contributor within the Giveth Galaxy will be entitled to 40 hours annual of paid leave to attend these training sessions.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the training budget, you must:

  1. Have worked as a contributor with Giveth Galaxy for at least six months.
  2. Note that any unspent training budget will not be carried over to the next year.

Approval Process

To ensure the training aligns with our team’s needs and goals, the approval process for training courses and classes will be as follows:

  • Design Team: Approved by Marko
  • Development Team: Approved by Krati
  • Product Management (PM): Approved by Alex
  • Other Teams: Approved by Griff or Ahmad
  • Communications - Almond
  • Community & Project Support - Ashley
  • Dao Ops - Mitch

How to Claim Your Training Budget

  1. Identify a Relevant Course: Find a course or training program that will enhance your skills and benefit the Giveth Galaxy.
  2. Submit a Request:
    • Contact the appropriate approver based on your team (see Approval Process above).
    • Provide details about the course, the duration, and how it will benefit your role and the Giveth Galaxy.
  3. Get Approval: Await confirmation… Ensure you receive written approval before taking the course.
  4. Enroll and Attend: Once approved, you can enroll in the course.
  5. Share Your Learnings: Consider sharing key takeaways or insights from your training with the team to maximize the benefit of your new knowledge.

We believe this initiative will help our contributors grow and improve their skills, ultimately strengthening the Giveth Galaxy. We encourage contributors to check out these free trainings below and suggest contributors to post any other free training resources in the forum below.

Training Courses:

  3. About
  6. Web3 And Blockchain Courses - 101 Blockchains
  8. Web3 Online Training Courses | LinkedIn Learning, formerly
  9. Explore Web 3.0 Online Certification Courses In 2024
  11. Top 9 Courses to Learn Web3 Development For Free

Leadership Courses:

  1. Leadership Courses | Harvard University
  2. Free, Short Leadership Course | The Institute of Leadership

If you wish to undertake more extensive training that exceeds the 40 hours limit, it must be for a skill or knowledge area that is critical for the Giveth Galaxy and must be communicated to the approver of your working group.

Let’s continue to learn, grow, and innovate together!

Big Thanks @Nicbals for helping to write this post :slight_smile:


Following up from the gov call, could we allocate time we spent on this under Allocatable Hours → Contributor Training?

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This is awesome! Love to see this initiative being adopted at Giveth/GM. Excited to use this once I hit 6 months :smiley:


@freshelle what do you think of this for billing continued education?

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This looks good @hanners717 @mitch! I removed the other “professional development” tasks under each WG.