Requesting GIV to run a Twitter space with LBank

Requesting $GIV to Run a Twitter Space with LBank :bank:

Proposal Description: This proposal suggests hosting a Twitter Space with LBank to promote our recent listing while tapping into their substantial follower base for increased exposure of $GIV. We aim to amplify the recent listing news on LBank while educating and engaging with their global community. This effort will also directly increase the number of $GIV holders via the prize pool disbursement they offer.

Proposal Rationale: Hosting a Twitter Space with LBank presents an opportunity to expand our reach their 500K+ followers, thereby increasing visibility for $GIV. In addition, the amount requested will be added to a prize pool of $GIV tokens to be dispersed to their community, increasing the number of holders. After listening to a few of their spaces, I’ve found that the professional tone of LBank’s spaces aligns well with the informative approach that we are aiming for to curate meaningful engagement around the $GIV token. See more details below.

Space Details:

Twitter Space Graphic Example:

Expected Duration & Delivery Date: The Twitter Space event can be scheduled within the coming weeks. The space itself will have a duration of approximately one hour.

Team Information: The LBank team will be taking point on organizing much of the materials, in addition the Giveth team involved in GIVToken community growth marketing and comms will take the lead in amplifying and showing up for the space on our end. This includes @karmaticacid, myself (@Rachelroseb.eth), @OyeAlmond, @Stee and @Griff who would be the primary speaker.

Funding Information: We’re requesting 3K USD in $GIV tokens for the global Twitter space option. To learn more about the pricing breakdown, please see page 4 of LBank’s Campaign Deck.

Further Reasoning:
While LBank offers multiple campaign opportunities, we’ve decided that the Twitter space aligns more with our goals. Here’s why: After reviewing our options and doing a deep dive into LBank’s various socials, we’ve found that this option will provide us with an opportunity for maximum exposure. As previously mentioned, their Twitter account has 539.1K followers, and spaces/posts also consistently get excellent engagement.

Twitter Promo & Spaces Examples

Hosting a Twitter space with LBank offers clear advantages: tapping into their substantial following will boost our exposure and attract more holders for $GIV via the prize pool giveaway. Additionally, the professional and educational atmosphere of these spaces aligns well with our goals of helping individuals to understand the potential of $GIV. After listening to previous spaces and analyzing their social media, it’s evident that prioritizing the global Twitter space is the most strategic option for us.

Thank you for taking the time to review this proposal. We invite you to contribute to the discussion by sharing your thoughts in the comments below! :grinning:


Sounds great, I really like that the 3K $GIV is for prizes too, so it will immediately build our exposure. Love it!

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Really cool @Rachelroseb.eth !

I have a question about the prize pool, did they tell you how the amount would be distributed or what the mechanism of it is? Since I don’t see those details on the slides you shared.


3k giv? i would back that.

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ahh it’s $3000 USD worth of GIV guys :slight_smile: not 3000 GIV :eyes: @JakeS @Giantkin


That’s an expensive Twitter space! Do we have any historical idea of how these spaces help the token activity?

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oh. thats …a bit crazy. sorry i misunderstood.

Updated this information so it reflects on the proposal @karmaticacid & @Giantkin :+1:

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Great question @aabugosh! I reached out to the LBank team for answers in our LBank <> $GIV Telegram chat, and this is verbatim what they shared with me:

  1. “The prize pool will be distributed to those who participate in the AMA airdrop and ask questions, and we’ll be creating a Google Form to collect those participates”

  2. “LBank wallets collected in the Google Form, rewards will be issued within 7 working days after the event”

  3. “We’ll post the airdrop to let all platform users know when we publicize it”

@aabugosh I hope this addresses your concern, happy to dive into more nuanced aspects here and reach out to the team if you have any further questions.

  • Rachel

Hey @Rachelroseb.eth, is there some behavior graphics to see the movement of the coins after an X space? Is there a way to see if this spaces really make an impact in the token growth?

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Hey Mitch!

Great question! From what I’ve observed, the Twitter spaces hosted by LBank consistently draw high engagement and attract a large number of listeners. Additionally, LBank will distribute $GIV tokens to listeners, which will increase the number of token holders.

I’ll dive deeper to find more concrete information on how these spaces impact token activity. I’ll explore correlations and reach out to the LBank team for any metrics they can share.

Stay tuned, and I’ll circle back here with more information soon!

Your feedback is appreciated Jake, thank you! :pray:

Hey @OyeAlmond!

I’m looking into this and will be asking the LBank team if they can provide information here.

Will circle back on this :+1:

@mitch I just got this resource from the LBank team on their previous campaign cases, hope this helps!

@OyeAlmond please also see here :point_down:

yes, I see engagement metrics, there’s not really a correlation on the token growth tho. I guess these spaces are more focused on engagement and reach than anything. Which I guess is valuable too.

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@Rachelroseb.eth Ok thanks for clarifying!

Another question I had, if our goal is number of new holders and token growth, should we consider some of the other campaign types instead which seem to be more direct response (like the examples they gave on: Learn to earn, KOL promotion, Deposit bonus etc.)?

Or are you thinking that we test out the Twitter space and if that does well we consider another campaign type too?

That a great work by the Lbank team pls more info

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We looked at the KOL promotion, but we’re super excited about the influencers… also they don’t give any option for us to pick which influencers we’d like support from (from a list, for example)… not possible. Also you have to supply the $ amount in a stable, not in GIV.

@Griff @JakeS & I looked through all of them and discussed them during our GIVeconomy calls and landed on the twitter spaces seeming the most immediately beneficial to Giveth.

Others as you mentioned are interesting… deposit bonus, learn to learn… but they all have an associated cost. We decided to focus on the Twitter space to start… we can always do more later.

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This proposal is live in snapshot - please flex your GIVernance power!

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