GIVeconomy WG Season 4 Proposal

The GIVeconomy WG has been hard at work this past season and hoping to ramp up even more as we move into S4. The GIVeconomy WG is responsible for all things GIV - GIVbacks, GIVpower, GIVstream - if you can “GIV” it a name, it probably falls within our jurisdiction.

If you missed out last proposals you can check out them out here for Season 1 and here for Season 2 & 3.

Season 3 Review

In this section we will break down our deliverables and provide an update on it’s status and any relevant information. We’ll also cover our spending in Season 3 and compare it to our estimated budget we covered in the previous Season proposal.

Deliverable Status Description
Bring the GIVeconomy to other chains/networks as promised by won grants :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing We are on track to deliver Polygon zkEVM this summer
Create GIVeconomy Analytics dashboard :soon: partial completion This is nearly done, was delayed in favour of DeVouch
Integrate Connext bridge :soon: partial completion We were blocked for months by connext but have recently set this up with preliminary liquidity here
Stratgize how to integrate Gurves w/ q/acc :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing Agreements between Giveth & q/acc have been signed, and we have been in ongoing discussions as the q/acc product is still in design phase
New system for GIVbacks recirc checks :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing We have worked with Trustalabs for recirc data reporting and have created a preliminary deal. We have also started training @wmb81321 & Rob to support on recirc reviews, but are considering changing GIVbacks instead of continuing recirc improvements
Improve GIVbacks, mirating away from Aragon DAOs :x: Deprioritized This work was deprioritized in favour of devouch
Fix GIV token listing information & logos on major sites :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing CoinGecko, CMC, Jupiter & Sushiswap are updated, more coming
Investigate getting GIV listed on CEXs :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing GIV is listed on LBank, we have a proposal in the queue for MEXC and are applying to get on Binance
GIV liquidity Audit :white_check_mark: DONE! @wmb81321 created this audit which served as a foundation for us optimizing much of GIV’s liquidity (and securing more!)
Marketing around GIV listings on exchanges :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing GIV was featured in yahoo finance, globe & mail, and we pushed our regular social media content. considering an Lbank twitter space AMA in the future
New marketing strategy for GIV :soon: Partial completion Mobilized our team on twitter, created content for tweets & blogs, hired, trained & lost a contributor, interviewed several marketing agencies, started weekly calls
Calculate & distribute GIVbacks & $nice for each round :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing This has been happening regularly.
Maintain GIVpower staking rewards :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing Rewards have been extended until mid Nov 2024
User support related to GIVeconomy questions :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing @WhyldWanderer & @NikolaCreatrix have been holding it down!


Deliverable Status Description
Finish GIVgarden deprecation :white_check_mark: DONE! All the funds have been moved safely to a new multisig for control via Snapshot vote
Update documentation :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing GIVbacks, project verification, GIVpower, GIVgarden, and more incoming
Created new discord role & channel for Giver NFT holders :white_check_mark: DONE! This was set up for the Galactic Giving QF round as a place for holders to coordinate nominations
GIV Token Distro Audit :soon: Partial completion We have been analyzing the changes to our GIV “buckets” since launch, and how much remains in each bucket
Find market maker :soon: Partial completion This is to support GIV price action. We found a good one! Agreement pending
Build trading bot & arb bot for Lbank & beyond :soon: Partial completion Trading bot is complete but pending improvements, arb bot is IPR
Subgraph migration :soon: Partial completion Resulting from deprecation of our subgraph, we need to migrate to support the GIVeconomy
Retroactive GIVbacks for QF sponsors :white_check_mark: DONE! All sponsors from all QF rounds have now received their GIVbacks
Find marketing agency :soon: Partial completion We’ve interview 4 candidates and have selected our favourite, separate forum post coming
Ran 2 GIV Token Essentials :white_check_mark: DONE! Offered GIV info session to internal contributors to align the team on the roadmap
GIV on LBank Market Making :ballot_box_with_check: Ongoing Ensured >$10k daily trading volume and market moves every 4-8 hrs to match current price

Core Metrics :star2:

  • :x: GIV performs as well ETH over this 3 month period
  • :white_check_mark: Increase GIV token trading volume by 100%
  • :x: Add GIVeconomy to 1 major chain
  • :white_check_mark: Number of GIVeconomy metrics that can be tracked by dashboard: 10
  • :white_check_mark: Get GIV listed on 1 CEXs
  • :x: average 7-day volume on GIV connext bridge: >$50k


Our only real expense covered in the GIVeconomy WG is contributor salaries, as subscriptions & plans overlap w/ the dApp WG. And GIV needed for incentives, exchange listing, etc. has been and will continue to be requested via separate stand-alone proposals.

In the table below we compared the forecasted Season spending (from GIVeconomy sustain proposal) with the actual funding based on available data in Clockify from April 1 - Present. Since we are still in S3, the below includes projected spending for the upcoming weeks, considering the full period April 5 - July 5, 2024). An additional $10,792 was spent on salaries in March (outside of the scope of this WG proposal).

Type Estimated S3 Cost Actual S3 Cost
Contributor Costs $48,000 $53,743

Reference: GIVeconomy Budget spreadsheet

GIV Token Health

You can see the GIV token on CoinGecko here. Some observations:

  • GIV token trading volumes and liquidity pools are happily up to date on CoinGecko & CMC, and with this season’s CEX listing (LBank) and some in-hour MM, our 24 hr trading volume is up from ±$1k to ±$70k at-a-glance.
  • ETH generally outperforming GIV :cry:
  • Trading volume on our biggest (GNO/GIV pool) on Gnosis Chain is down just a little, but trading volume on our biggest pools on Optimism (OP/GIV & TEC/GIV) and up more than double.

GIV 3 mo. Charts (blue = price in ETH, green = price in USD) - from CoinGecko

Jan-Mar 2024

Mar-June 2024

GIV 1 year chart - from CoinGecko

Jan-Mar 2024

Mar-June 2024

GIV token Trading Volume on Coin Market Cap

Mar 2024

June 2024

GIV token trading volume on honeyswap, gnosis chain GIV/GNO

S2 stats

S2 stats

S3 stats

S3 stats

GIV token trading volume on Optimism through velodrome

March 2024

June 2024

One PM’s Reflections on Season 3

It was honestly a tough season. The GIVeconomy WG is at the end of the day… too bare-bones to achieve all our lofty goals with zero full-time dedicated contributors and only 2-4 contributors regularly clocking more than 20 hrs per month.


  • Got successfully listed on our 1st major CEX - LBank
  • Saw a big increase in trading volume leading to a longer hunt for official market makers


  • Our spending this season on contributor salaries was approx. $5000 over budget at around $54k vs. the approved $48k.
  • We had some serious trails and failures on recruiting, with many hours sunk into contributors who didn’t stick or follow through.
  • Scope of work shifted a lot over the season, with dev resources being funnelled into devouch deprioritizing GIVbacks improvements and Analytics.
  • GIV token price suffered despite efforts around marketing an liquidity

The GIV token’s success is FOUNDATIONAL to the success of Giveth. If you caught the last Giveth essentials call, you migh remember a bit about this! The very core of the Giveth roadmap is leverage new economic systems made possible by web3 to change the way the world works, and ultimately solve large-scale global problems.

The plan, in a nutshell is to:

  • Bring public goods creators into web3
  • Empower them to launch token economies connected to the real world value that they are providing
  • Inject market dynamics therefore into the public goods sector
  • Make adding value to your community economically lucrative

And we want to get there by helping verified projects to launch their own GIV-backed bonding curves - ahem, Gurves! To do that, we NEED to push GIV token adoptions and growth, so GIVeconomy WG needs support now more than ever.

Season 4 Deliverables & Budget

There are 3 possible scopes that the GIVeconomy WG can take in the coming Season, each with different deliverables and budget. The Season Snapshot vote will dictate the scope of this working group, depending on it’s signaled priority amongst other working groups, as decided by the Giveth DAO.

Grow :arrow_up:

What we will do :white_check_mark:

New Features

  • Scope out, propose and (if passed) implement a new GIVbacks distribution system (e.g. GIVbacks lottery) that decreases team overhead
  • Develop GIV “buy back” solution that creates a mechanism by which the DAO continuously “buys back” GIV from the market
  • Respond to and develop solutions according to new market opportunities that arise
  • Plan & strategize how to integrate Gurves w/ QAcc & work being planned w/ Polygon
  • Create a system to “claim back” unclaimed GIV from GIVbacks after a determined period of time
  • Bring the GIVeconomy to other chains/networks as promised by won grants
  • Complete GIVeconomy Analytics Dashboard
  • Complete Connext Bridge
  • Complete & improve trading bots & arb bots

Token Exposure

  • Hire, onboard and train a marketing agency to support with GIV token marketing (Markeing Agency fee in a separate proposal)
  • Fix GIV token listing information & logos on major sites and DEXs
  • Hire and onboard Market Makers to support on GIV token price action (MM fee in a separate proposal)
  • Investigate, create proposals & follow through on approved paths for getting GIV listed on CEXs
  • Iterate upon internal GIV marketing strategy creating more regular content for our regular channels
  • Run 2 GIV token essentials sessions for the internal community


  • Distribute GIVbacks & $nice tokens for each round, and post corresponding comms messaging
  • Train & onboard contributors to support with GIVbacks recirculation checks
  • Maintain & top-up (when needed) GIVpower rewards program
  • Manage support tickets related to GIVeconomy
  • Complete GIV token distribution audit to get an accurate sense of how much GIV the DAO controls
  • Review & improve GIVeconomy documentation

Core Metrics :star2:

  • GIV out-perfoms ETH over this 3 month period
  • 2x GIV token trading volume
  • Add GIVeconomy to 1 major chain
  • Get GIV listed on 1 new CEX
  • Average 7-day volume on GIV connext bridge: >$50k
  • GIV price on Gnosis & Optimism are within 1% of each other
:heavy_dollar_sign:Breakdown Estimated S4 (3 month) Cost
Development $17,300
Design $3,900
PM $34,400
Comms $20,600
Market Maker Fee $6,000
New response needs $10,000
Total $92,200

Sustain :arrow_right:

What we will do :white_check_mark:

New Features

  • Scope out, propose and (if passed) implement a new GIVbacks distribution system (e.g. GIVbacks lottery) that decreases team overhead
  • Plan & strategize how to integrate Gurves w/ QAcc & work being planned w/ Polygon
  • Bring the GIVeconomy to other chains/networks as promised by won grants
  • Complete GIVeconomy Analytics Dashboard
  • Complete Connext Bridge
  • Complete & improve trading bots & arb bots

Token Exposure

  • Hire, onboard and train a marketing agency to support with GIV token marketing (Markeing Agency fee in a separate proposal)
  • Fix GIV token listing information & logos on major sites and DEXs
  • Hire and onboard Market Makers to support on GIV token price action (MM fee in a separate proposal)
  • Investigate, create proposals & follow through on approved paths for getting GIV listed on CEXs
  • Iterate upon internal GIV marketing strategy creating more regular content for our regular channels
  • Run 1 GIV token essentials sessions for the internal community


  • Distribute GIVbacks & $nice tokens for each round, and post corresponding comms messaging
  • Train & onboard contributors to support with GIVbacks recirculation checks
  • Maintain & top-up (when needed) GIVpower rewards program
  • Manage support tickets related to GIVeconomy
  • Complete GIV token distribution audit to get an accurate sense of how much GIV the DAO controls
  • Review & improve GIVeconomy documentation

What we won’t do :x:"

  • Develop GIV “buy back” solution that creates a mechanism by which the DAO continuously “buys back” GIV from the market
  • Respond to and develop solutions according to new market opportunities that arise
  • Create a system to “claim back” unclaimed GIV from GIVbacks after a determined period of time
  • Run 1 GIV token essentials sessions for the internal community (we will only run 1, not two)
:heavy_dollar_sign:Breakdown Estimated S4 (3 month) Cost
Development $15,800
Design $3,900
PM $32,700
Comms $17,000
Market Maker Fee $6,000
Total $75,400

Core Metrics :star2:

  • GIV performs as well ETH over this 3 month period
  • 2x GIV token trading volume
  • Add GIVeconomy to 1 major chain
  • Average 7-day volume on GIV connext bridge: >$50k
  • GIV price on Gnosis & Optimism are within 1% of each other

Shrink :arrow_down:

What we will do :white_check_mark:

New Features

  • Plan & strategize how to integrate Gurves w/ QAcc & work being planned w/ Polygon
  • Bring the GIVeconomy to other chains/networks as promised by won grants
  • Complete GIVeconomy Analytics Dashboard
  • Complete Connext Bridge
  • Complete & improve trading bots & arb bots

Token Exposure

  • Hire, onboard and train a marketing agency to support with GIV token marketing (Markeing Agency fee in a separate proposal)
  • Hire and onboard Market Makers to support on GIV token price action (MM fee in a separate proposal)
  • Investigate, create proposals & follow through on approved paths for getting GIV listed on CEXs
  • Run 1 GIV token essentials sessions for the internal community


  • Distribute GIVbacks & $nice tokens for each round, and post corresponding comms messaging
  • Train & onboard contributors to support with GIVbacks recirculation checks
  • Maintain & top-up (when needed) GIVpower rewards program
  • Manage support tickets related to GIVeconomy
  • Complete GIV token distribution audit to get an accurate sense of how much GIV the DAO controls
  • Review & improve GIVeconomy documentation

What we won’t do :x:"

  • Scope out, propose and (if passed) implement a new GIVbacks distribution system (e.g. GIVbacks lottery) that decreases team overhead
  • Develop GIV “buy back” solution that creates a mechanism by which the DAO continuously “buys back” GIV from the market
  • Respond to and develop solutions according to new market opportunities that arise
  • Create a system to “claim back” unclaimed GIV from GIVbacks after a determined period of time
  • Fix GIV token listing information & logos on major sites and DEXs
  • Iterate upon internal GIV marketing strategy creating more regular content for our regular channels
  • Run GIV token essentials sessions for the internal community
:heavy_dollar_sign:Breakdown Estimated S4 (3 month) Cost
Development $13,800
Design $1,800
PM $19,500
Comms $8,300
Market Maker Fee $6,000
Total $49,400

Core Metrics :star2:

  • GIV performs as well ETH over this 3 month period
  • 2x GIV token trading volume
  • Add GIVeconomy to 1 major chain
  • Average 7-day volume on GIV connext bridge: >$50k
  • GIV price on Gnosis & Optimism are within 1% of each other

Next Steps, Conclusions & Final Notes

The GIVeconomy WG ramped up a LOT last season, and but I think we need to kick things up EVEN MORE to reach our long term goals as a community. This proposal was designed to rally us towards that end, and I’m excited for the new Season.

This proposal will remain open for advice process for one week (and maybe a few days more) and will move to Snapshot voting with all other WG proposals for final approval from the DAO.


Thanks Lauren! This proposal is great because it is full of FACTS and cool charts!

Looking at the retrospective of Season 3 looks like it’s got a bad case of SCOPE CREEP :face_with_thermometer: - There’s so many things that got added to your plate that weren’t planned nor did they get finished.

How do you plan to hone the resources available to the GIVeconomy so you aren’t spread so thin and can reasonably accomplish what you want, within a given season? Seems like a lot of spending for a DOWN ONLY token.

I’m looking forward to finding ways to buyback GIV and experiment with GIVbacks, I don’t feel as excited about creating bots, seems like a lot of not so important dev work.

What’s up with the GIV dashboard? Is it ready? Can we play with it?

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Thanks Mitch! I went a bit long with it, but I think the charts and stats give nice insight into GIV.

I think if GIVeconomy passes with sustain or grow, I would be more proactive about grabbing contributors focusing on other areas of Giveth and pulling them into GIVeconomy work.

Last season some budget was spent and kind of lost on unfortunately bad hires and time sunk into training them, but even still, most major deliverables were met and we were only slightly over budget. I would say the scope creep and “extra tasks” sort of comes out of the evolving space and evolving needs, and it part of the reason that I added to this “grow” proposal a more general “new response needs”… to allocate extra funding to new efforts that come up that do often end up being valuable.

Regarding the bots, this is not “not important dev work”.

Adding the GIV token to LBank was our 1st CEX, and was very much a learning experience. We discovered that after getting listed, there is a great deal of token market making, and a min trading treshold that must be met to maintain our listing. We sunk $45k into getting GIV accessible on the exchange and in order to not just lose that, Griff & Kyle got set up to make manual trades and do market making. The trading bot build was necessary in order to relieve Griff of this effort (making trades at least every 6 hours for the past several months)… and the extra cost to the GIVeconomy WG to cover his hourly rate.

The arb bot is necessary in order to maintain even pricing for the GIV token accross chains. Sometimes the prices on OP vs on Gnosis diverge quite a lot and this creates kind of a mess for accounting and for token credibility… And once the bot is complete this will serve as a minor revenue stream for Giveth (that we otherwise would lose to an external party). One of the proposed KPIs in this Season 4 proposal is actually related to balanced prices of GIV across chains.

I’m disappointed with the amount of time it has taken to build these bots, but this is a result of our dev teams lack of prior experience with bots… and can be considered time and budget sunk into supporting our team’s growth and learning that will support us in the future.

The GIVeconomy dashboard is nearly complete. You can check it out here.

Regarding your comment about “down only” - The GIVeconomy can only grow with extra effort, support and love being put into it.

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First, I would like to drop a big THANK YOU ALL for having me on the team this Season 3 to discover Giveth from the inside and this powerful token, $GIV.

We are in a DIP, and the overall market has been affected regardless of efforts and innovations. March 2024 was an ATH, but since then, there has been a strong correction of 30-40% across the entire ecosystem.

Even our biggest pool counterparties have been involved in the deep downtrend. The market is causing a transversal effect on all regardless of their efforts, builds, and created value:

GNO went down around 40%

OP went down more than 50%

FOX went down more than 50%

Since altcoins have high-sensitivity to ETH or BTC movements, we must remember that altcoin season has not arrived yet. Until then, we must be ready to embrace the demand that is coming at the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025.

To prepare us, we need to reduce market exposure by creating significant value and utilities for our token and spreading these utilities within the communities:

• $GIV as the digital asset to create sustainable non-profits

• Gurves as the first step to a tokenized Public Goods economy

• Awareness of GIVPower as the “Stake” to become a sustainable donation. The more projects staked, the more returns offered to their donors. More staked GIV means more projects with break-even donations, more holders, and increased demand.

Furthermore, some technical DeFi deliverables will prepare us to receive the new demand incoming this year:

  1. Increase our presence on current major chains (Ethereum, Solana, Optimism) and consider new major chains (by volume) such as Base, Arbitrum, and Polygon. See Defillama

  2. Improve our trading profile on CoinGecko Terminal, Defillama, DexScreener, and DEXTools, which are strong sources of information for traders.

  3. Get listed on a TIER 1 CEX like Bitget, Kucoin, Gate, HTX or TIER 0 like Bybit, Coinbase, Kraken.

  4. Increase our stats on DEXs (Volume) with market makers to create “healthy charts” for overall users and new holders.

I feel GIV has an ONLY UP future with better tools around:

• Listing on a CEX, which gives credibility. Whether it is a big or small CEX, the message is strong: GIV is listed and verified by a CEX.

• Setting up market makers and exploring more opportunities to protect GIV’s price movements.

• Receiving many proposals from listing partners and CEXs to get listed.