Paid Time Off (PTO) Policy and Guideline

Paid Time-Off Policy :beach_umbrella::tropical_drink:

Guidelines for Full-time Contributors

  • Must have been a paid contributor for at least 6 months.
  • Must have consistently worked full-time hours.
  • Upon eligibility, the PTO benefit will be computed from the start date.
  • If they started on an hourly basis before entering into a full-time agreement, the computation for hourly contributors will apply (13 hours worked = 1 hour PTO).
  • Full-time contributors earn PTO days on accrual basis every end of the month.
Tenure PTO days earned per year PTO days per month
1 year 20 1.67
1-2 years 22.5 1.88
2 years 25 2.08
  • PTO benefits earned for each month are valid for 1 year.
  • Unused PTO benefits will be forfeited and not carried over after the 1-year validity. Unused PTO is not convertible to crypto. We highly encourage contributors to take time off. Exception: Unused PTO benefits earned during their trial period are extended to the same number of months as their trial period.
  • PTO benefits can be used/claimed after 6 months (on the 7th month).
  • For example: The contributor’s work hour details are as follows:
    • May: 80 hours (hourly basis)
    • June: 90 hours (hourly basis)
    • July: 160 hours (full-time agreement)
      In May and June, the contributor earned 15.38 PTO hours. In July, the contributor shifted to a full-time position and earned 13.3333 PTO hours. They can start claiming PTO on the 7th month (November).

Guidelines for Hourly Contributors

  • Must have been a paid contributor for at least 6 months.
  • Must have worked at least 75 hours per month to earn PTO. If a contributor works less than 75 hours for a particular month, they will not earn PTO for that month.
  • Upon eligibility, the PTO benefit will be computed from the start date.
  • Hourly contributors earn PTO days on accrual basis every end of the month.
Tenure Worked hours equivalent for 1 hour PTO Max PTO hours per month
1 year 13.00 13.33
1-2 years 11.60 15.00
2 years 10.44 16.67
  • Hourly contributors earn maximum PTO hours each month as shown in the table above.
  • PTO benefits earned for each month are valid for 1 year.
  • Unused PTO benefits will not be carried over after the 1-year validity, and they are not convertible to crypto (xDAI/GIV). We highly encourage contributors to take time off. Exception: Unused PTO benefits earned during their trial period are extended to the same number of months as their trial period.
  • If, after becoming eligible, the contributor works less than 75 hours per month, they won’t earn PTO benefits for that month.
  • For example: If an hourly contributor works 130 hours per month for 6 months, they could take 60 hours of paid time off starting in their 7th month. If in the 7th month, they work only 60 hours, they won’t earn PTO benefits for that month. If in the 8th month, they work 90 hours, they will earn 6.92 PTO hours.

Process for Availing Paid Time Off

  1. Inform the team and the leads about your time-off plans. You can notify in the discord channels.
  1. Request time off in Clockify in the Time Off tab:

  2. Optional: update your status or change your status on Discord and/or name in Telegram to “AFK/Away/Vacation until the X date.” A short video guide here.

Note: If it is an extended leave, the Contributor shall train and prepare someone to replace them during their absence.

Links and References:

:point_right:t4: Video guide on How to Add Time Off in Clockify
:point_right:t4: Time Off Timeline of the Team can be found here


Thank you @freshelle !!

I would only add that the early notice should be a little bit more.

I don’t wanna make it more complicated but maybe, if you think to take the N days, make a notice of at least 1 week + N days you’ll take, for example, if you leave for 1 week, make it 2 weeks notice from the start date.

Everything else looks good, thanks for making this, having this clear is truly important.

Also, I’d encourage buddies to hit their partners and tell them to gtfo when it’s been a long time without vacations. I know some workaholics folks here… they/we need help <3


Thanks for this, Mateo! More time for notice of leave makes sense and is reasonable. I updated the spreadsheet :grin: