DAO Ops Season 3 Proposal

Another Season of DAO Ops is ready for your review! We’re excited to receive another mandate to continue serving Giveth in many critical ways such as GIVernance, Hiring, HR, Payroll, Treasury, Voting Systems, Conflict Resolution, Rewards and so much more!

You can check out our previous Season proposal here.

S2.5 Review

In this section we will break down our deliverables and provide an update on it’s status and any relevant information. We’ll also cover our spending in Season 2 and compare it to our estimated budget we covered in the previous Season proposal.

Lastly, any wins that brought revenue into the Giveth DAO from our Fundraising efforts will be mentioned.

Deliverables Status

Deliverable Status Description
Centralized accounting DONE! :white_check_mark: Y’all got paid right? We also improved our accounting security through implementing multisigs. Thanks @freshelle @Griff @mitch
Clockify PRO administration & improvement DONE! :white_check_mark: Several Improvements made to automate handling Allocatable Hours. Cleaning up the task list for each project & handling time-off balances
Distribute nrGIV DONE! :white_check_mark: Last distribution finished Feb 16. Moving on to a new reputation system!
Distribute vesting DONE! :white_check_mark: Vesting went out for Q4 on early January. Last vesting distribution begins April 1st.
Treasury management DONE! :white_check_mark: Our Treasury strategies have yielded ~$26K for the Giveth DAO.
Conflict resolution services DONE! :white_check_mark: No escalated feedback or case during this time period. @NikolaCreatrix provided off-boarding support and made an attempt to prevent escalation in 2 instances.
Hiring for Giveth DONE! :white_check_mark: @hanners717 , @Nicbals, @OyeAlmond & @aabugosh facilitated hiring processes for two new contributors
Fundraising services partnership with GM <> Giveth DONE! :white_check_mark: Giveth Fundraising efforts carried forward, also brought in Marcelo from GM to handle Giveth Fundraising Opportunities. @JakeS is also back on the Giveth team and will be leading a Fundraising WG.
Deliver onboarding & offboarding guidelines for contributors DONE! :white_check_mark: Offboarding Guidelines post by @hanners717 here - Offboarding Guidelines. HR has already developed and uses their internal on-boarding resources.
Deliver Buddy System bot DONE! :white_check_mark: Buddy bot works! MVP is finished and ready to be used for next round of buddy calls, tutorials in the works.
Forum post for retirement plan for rGIV DAO & new reputation system DONE! :white_check_mark: rGIV post went up Jan 25 - New rGIV Distribution System. Work has started on the new system, some delays implementing feedback & making it work well with snapshot.
Report on Giveth DAO pain points & health check DONE! :white_check_mark: Massive DAO Health Report published by @NikolaCreatrix - Giveth DAO Health Report - #5 by Griff. We’ll be putting these out yearly.
Clockify guide for contributors DONE! :white_check_mark: @freshelle produced this awesome guide with videos & explanations How to Use Clockify Guideline
Voting Systems & Multisig maintenance DONE! :white_check_mark: Implementation of Den Bot for automated multisig tx reminders (thanks @Giantkin ). Migrated Optimism Rewards to Optimism. Created new Multisigs for Treasury Management and new L2 chains!
Maintain Praise Rounds & Distribute Rewards DONE! :white_check_mark: Praise rounds are caught up & moving to monthly quantification. Onboarded Ambassadors into quantification work.
Migrate Rewards to Optimism DONE! :white_check_mark: Rewards DAO migrated to Optimism here - Aragon and we’ve distributed 10 rounds of praise rewards on Optimism already.


:heavy_dollar_sign:Breakdown Estimated S2.5 Cost Actual Cost
Giveth Fundraising Costs (From GM & Giveth) $45,000 $13,400
DAO Ops Contributor Costs + Rewards $22,600 $26,800
Software & Subscriptions $1400 $1,127
Buddy System Bot* $200 $350
Total $69,000 $41,677

In Season 2.5 the DAO Ops WG spent an estimated $40,200 USD on contributor costs over the entire duration of the season, December 22 - March 20.

The spending is estimated as close as possible based on available data for March and the 3 months preceding it.

Fundraising spend was 70% LESS of what we estimated, this can be attributed to some contributors having been offboarded within the Galaxy Fundraising group or switching their focus to purely GMGM (General Magic Grants Management).

DAO Ops contributor costs + Rewards spent 15% OVER our estimated budget for that category, due to primarily three factors:

  1. Hiring tasks for filling marketing roles within Giveth
  2. Unforeseen challenges of reworking the reputation system for Giveth
  3. Underestimating the effort required for the DAO Health Check.

Our Buddy Bot spend was $350, 75% OVER the projected cost of $200.

Lastly our subscriptions only came to a final cost of $1,127, 19% LOWER than projected, since we were able to split the cost of our Clockify sub with General Magic.

Overall, DAO Ops spent 40% less than projected for the duration of Season 2.5


We had some significant wins brought in from Giveth Fundraising efforts, here’s a brief summary:

  • Optimism RPGF -149,608 OP
  • Optimism Growth Grant, last milestone - 24,000 OP
  • Arbitrum Integration - $7,500 USD
  • Octant Epoch 2 - 10.2301 ETH (50/50 split with the QF Matching Pool and Giveth Treasury)

Season 3 Deliverables & Budgeting

For Season 3, DAO Ops will no longer carry Giveth Fundraising & Partnerships as part of it’s scope. Look for a new Fundraising WG forum post where Giveth Fundraising & Partnership activities will live on!

There are 3 possible scopes that DAO Ops can take in the coming Season, each with different deliverables and budget. The Season Snapshot vote will dictate the scope of this working group, depending on it’s signaled priority amongst other working groups, as decided by the Giveth DAO.


What we will do :white_check_mark:

  • Continue Improving Buddy Bot
  • Onboard 1 Giveth Contributor into Gravity
  • Internal DAO Ops “play book” for task knowledge sharing
  • Distribute Vesting… 1 last time
  • Distribute Praise Rewards & Facilitate quantification rounds
  • Distribute rGIV with new reputation system
  • Centralized Accounting
  • Begin Distributing Equity
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Deliver documented plan to implement decentralized accounting for Working Groups
  • Design Personal Development series for contributors
  • Draft & implement a continued education program for contributors with annual stipend for courses related to their line of work
  • Manage Giveth buddy system
  • Manage Clockify & time reports
  • Maintain Voting systems & Multisig needs
  • Treasury Management
  • Hiring for Giveth
  • HR Contributor Support
:heavy_dollar_sign:Breakdown Estimated S3 Cost
Contributor Costs $24,416
Buddy Bot $400
Software & Subscriptions $1,127
Rewards System $800
Total $26,743


What we will do :white_check_mark:

  • Continue Improving Buddy Bot
  • Onboard 1 Giveth Contributor into Gravity
  • Distribute Vesting… 1 last time
  • Distribute Praise Rewards & Facilitate quantification rounds
  • Distribute rGIV with new reputation system
  • Centralized Accounting
  • Begin Distributing Equity
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Manage Giveth buddy system
  • Manage Clockify & time reports
  • Maintain Voting systems & Multisig needs
  • Treasury Management
  • Hiring for Giveth
  • HR Contributor Support

What we won’t do :x:

  • Deliver documented plan to implement decentralized accounting for Working Groups
  • Design Personal Development series for contributors
  • Internal DAO Ops “play book” for task knowledge sharing
  • Draft & implement a continued education program for contributors with annual stipend for courses related to their line of work
:heavy_dollar_sign:Breakdown Estimated S3 Cost
Contributor Costs $22,176
Buddy Bot $0
Software & Subscriptions $1,127
Rewards System $800
Total $24,103


What we will do :white_check_mark:

  • Centralized Accounting
  • Distribute Vesting… 1 last time
  • Distributing Equity
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Manage Giveth buddy system
  • Manage Clockify & time reports
  • Maintain Voting systems & Multisig needs
  • Treasury Management
  • Hiring for Giveth
  • HR Contributor Support

What we won’t do :x:

  • Distribute Praise Rewards & Facilitate quantification rounds
  • Onboard 1 Giveth Contributor into Gravity
  • Distribute rGIV with new reputation system
  • Deliver documented plan to implement decentralized accounting for Working Groups
  • Design Personal Development series for contributors
  • Draft & implement a continued education program for contributors with annual stipend for courses related to their line of work
  • Internal DAO Ops “play book” for task knowledge sharing
  • Continue Improving Buddy Bot
:heavy_dollar_sign:Breakdown Estimated S3 Cost
Contributor Costs $21,280
Buddy Bot $0
Software & Subscriptions $1,127
Rewards System $0
Total $22,407

Next Steps

This proposal will remain for advice process until all other eligible Working Groups have posted their Working Group Proposals and minimum advice process (5 days) has been met for them.

A single Snapshot vote :zap: will be created to decide the final priorities and budgets for all Working Groups for Season 3. Keep an eye out for it!

EDIT 21/03/2024

Software cost was not accounting for Recruitee, our hiring platform, which we split costs with General Magic. Previous spending and projected future spending for this category have been updated.


$28K under budget, impressive! Just what we need to spend on GIV token listings😉

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Maybe hold your horses on that one, you haven’t seen what we spent on the Dapp yet… :joy: :sob:


Thanks @mitch for this magnificent overview! And putting together another awesome season proposal, I think the Grow version is fire!!!

I appreciate to see we are waiting for all wg proposals to be uploaded before making the final votes, I believe it will help to make informed decisions based on broader context and overview. :clap: :heartbeat:


What is the need & cost for onboarding another contributor into gravity?
How does that compare with “Personal Development series for contributors”?

I think the latter might be more needed atm, especially considering the personally development initiative that @Griff I know has had lots of 1:1 calls with people about.

Also, I have a lot of resistance to the extra bloat that I think WG decentralized accounting will add… unless we are hiring a bunch of accountants for each WG, I don’t think this is fair or wise to add to scope of PMs this season.

Hey @karmaticacid I’m sorry I didn’t see this comment earlier, but here is my response to this.

What is the need & cost for onboarding another contributor into gravity?
How does that compare with “Personal Development series for contributors”?

It isn’t relevant for this season since community decided on shrinking DAO ops.
But the need for one more person is coming from the learning that I, as the only person intended to help resolving disputes in our org can not stay neutral at all situations as you know, and when that happens, there is no one else within Giveth I can ask to step in. And simply two gravitons can do more than one. For me, I see Gravity in Giveth also as a place where well - being of our contributors falls into. So I personally care about progressing the Gravity within Giveth and providing better support. If we onboarded someone from Giveth Galaxy, we can even enrich the whole galaxy ecosystem by it. As long as they are passionate and willing to learn, their cost would depend on how many hours we are willing to cover I guess. It would be a matter of discussing the idea a bit further which hasn’t happened yet.

In regards of the Personal Development series for contributors. This isn’t linked with this new gravity person, but they could be helpful. As it stands in the proposal, the idea is to design these series first - which involves gathering more data and aligning the design with the feedback from the community and our budget. This could be carried into execution/implementation phase with next season if community agreed with the design to grant the biggest impact possible as well as an engagement. That was the idea.

But, unfortunately according to our collective decisions, these things don’t have a priority for the next 3 months.

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