Q1 2024 Vesting Distribution

Q1 2024 Vesting is ready for review! :mag: This is for contributors active consistently from October 1st 2020 through until April 1st 2024. (If you were on a trial period during Q1 2024, January-March , you are not eligible for this distribution,but there will be more opportunities coming up in the future!).

Amounts have been calculated using the approved method. Where it wasn’t clear I used my best discretion based off of praise data, eligible nrGIV distributions (even if they didn’t claim), role proposal information (or lack thereof), clockify data and feedback given in this post.

Here’s a summary of our parameters:

Vesting Parameters:

  • Future Rewards Program Funding - 10%
  • Total Vesting withheld - 20.53%*
  • Vesting Distributed - 69.47%*
  • Max variance (current contributor vs. future contributor schedule) - 20%
  • nrGIV Factor - 0.7
  • Hours worked factor - 1

*We withhold a certain percentage of the total amount available of GIV per vesting round based on the amount of contributors, this is to prevent over distribution of GIV. The GIV not distributed is held in the token distro and will be available for future contributor reward programs.

Monthly Hours Tiers

Tiers are calculated from the average monthly hours you worked for the Given quarter, here are the tiers:

Monthly Hours (Quarter Average) Tier
GIVaholic = 170+ 5
Full Time = 135-170 4
Part time = 76-134 3
Part part time = 30-75 2
Casual = 4-29 1


The total amount of vesting to be distributed is 4,688,509.82 GIV among :three: :three: contributors. Here’s the breakdown of amounts to each recipient**:

Name Amount
Griff 201,772.18
Amin 171,565.20
Mateo 170,284.87
Marko 131,886.90
Lauren 223,947.35
Ashley 196,664.42
Mitch 169,381.50
Mohammad 188,706.90
Kay 150,056.09
Dani 103,430.86
Moenick 188,706.90
Ramin 188,706.90
Cherik 180,749.38
Freshelle 126,183.53
Carlos 180,749.38
Rodri 126,943.05
Cotabe 56,419.13
Mo 133,995.44
Giantkin 91,681.09
Alireza 197,466.96
Nikola 141,047.83
Tosin 112,838.26
Jake 105,785.87
Nico 105,785.87
Heather 126,943.05
Ahmad 112,838.26
Moeshehab 141,047.83
Almond 176,309.79
MaryJaf 176,309.79
Algene 98,733.48
Nicolas 126,943.05
Stee 49,366.74
Krati 35,261.96
Total 4,688,509.82

**These amounts will be subject to the GIVstream meaning you will be able to claim ~50% immediately and the rest will be added to your GIVstream.

With Great GIV comes Great Responsibility… :superhero:

GIV respresents your gateway into community decision making, the more GIV, the more voting power you have in our governance tools such as the GIVgarden, Snapshot, Tokenlog and now GIVpower. Put thought into how you might use this GIV being vested to you.

Calculation Method

I used the vesting simulator spreadsheet that @cotabe and myself collaborated on. Please review this section that your hours worked tier, (based on role proposals or absence of), your ETH Address(taken from your nrGIV address), and amount of previously eligible nrGIV distributions are correct.

Current vs. Future Contributor

When we launched the GIVeconomy at Christmas 2021 we set a vesting amount for the present team at the time of launch. These became defined as Current Contributors (horrible naming). They were to have a fixed amount of vesting quarterly for the next 2.5 years. As we continued to grow the Current contributor vesting amounts vs. the Future Contributor (anyone that joined the team post-GIVeconomy launch) the amounts began to be a bit skewed. When we built out the final version of vesting calculations we decided if there was a varaicne greater than X % (currently 20%) we would switch to calculate them using the same method as Future Contributors to keep things fair and consistent.

On the sheet labelled Current or Future we can see the proposed future contributor distribution against what the “current contributors” would normally have received, any difference % greater than 20% is assigned the future contributor amount according to the Max Variance parameter.

This is the last GIV vesting distribution!

According to the plan outlined ~2 years ago we planned to make 10 total vesting distributions and now we’ve reached the 10th distribution! Here you can find all our distribution summaries:

:star: Please Review this information for mistakes I may have made. :star:

Check on the sheet Q1 2024 Final that I have your correct address, eligible distributions and your tier recorded for distribution.


After minimum advice process has been met I will move forward with creating the scripts to allocate the vested tokens to your GIVstreams!


A quick update here, I caught some mistakes I made in this post above.

  • A few formulas weren’t taking into account the entire range of contributors
  • Some of the formulas to count the current vs. future amounts for OG contributors weren’t looking at the right quarter.

I’ve updated it and now the amount to distribute is slightly higher, about ~100k GIV more. The proposed distribution now looks like this:

Name Amount of GIV
Griff 154,031.57
Amin 171,565.20
Mateo 170,284.87
Marko 98,020.09
Lauren 231,047.35
Ashley 203,041.61
Mitch 203,041.61
Mohammad 224,045.92
Kay 154,031.57
Dani 103,430.86
Moenick 224,045.92
Ramin 196,040.18
Cherik 217,044.48
Freshelle 105,021.52
Carlos 217,044.48
Rodri 126,025.83
Cotabe 56,011.48
Mo 133,027.26
Giantkin 91,018.65
Alireza 196,040.18
Nikola 140,028.70
Tosin 112,022.96
Jake 105,021.52
Nico 105,021.52
Heather 126,025.83
Ahmad 112,022.96
Moeshehab 140,028.70
Almond 175,035.87
MaryJaf 175,035.87
Algene 98,020.09
Nicolas 126,025.83
Stee 49,010.04
Krati 35,007.17
Total 4,772,167.66

I’ll leave this up for another 5 days and move to distribution on Wednesday next week.